What does the columbian exchange do

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There began a massive transformation in the global ecosystem resulting from the exchange of flora, fauna, and disease. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-the-columbian-exchange-do ]
More Answers to “What does the columbian exchange do
What is the columbian exchange?
The Columbian Exchange was a massive movement of trading goods and items around the world. It occurred shortly after Columbus arrived in the Americas.
Who benefited from the columbian exchange?
As a result of Columbus’s voyages to the New World, a biological pipeline between America and Europe opened up that had been apart since before humans appeared on earth. The lands had drifted apart that had once be connected. Some species o…
When did the columbian exchange happen?
The Columbian Exchange happened shortly after 1492, because Christopher Columbus bridged the old world to the new world by bringing over all the different foods, slaves, and diseases.

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what is the Columbian Exchange and how does it make todays life different?
A: FROM THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES, YOU CAN SEE THE DIFFERENCES IT HAS MADE:Transformed world trade and economiesNew colonial empires were introducedNew foods and crops to Europe, Africa and AsiaTobacco a major cash crop in North America, sugar in the CaribbeanNew kinds of animals introduced to the Americas (horses, pigs, cattle, chickens)Horse-based Native AmericansHelped economies of both worldsNew diseases in people, animals and vegetation to the AmericasWar and conflict between various interests (Native Americans and Europeans, for example)Slave trade to the AmericasIn the New World, Europeans encountered indigenous plant foods, often cultivated by Native Americans, such as potatoes, beans, squash, and maize (corn), probably the world’s most important cereal crop. These plants carried back to Europe so enriched nutrition in the Old World that they stimulated major population explosions. To America, Europeans introduced crops like wheat, rice, bananas, sugar, and wine grapes, many serving as cash crops for export by the colonists. Europeans also brought a number of domesticated animals to the New World, including horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, and fowl, producing mixed results for the Indians since the animals destroyed their croplands but also served as valuable sources of food, clothing, and energy.Disease was another dimension of the Columbian Exchange, with catastrophic consequences for Native Americans who for centuries were an isolated population and thus lacked adequate immunities for diseases introduced by Europeans. Eruptive fevers, like smallpox and measles, proved deadly and often wiped out over half of entire tribes. The European microbe was the ultimate conqueror of America, more than any act of war. In turn, Europeans fell prey to the New World disease of syphilis, generating widespread social and biological effects.the long-term consequences of the columbian exchange were mixed. it created enormous increases in food production and human populations, but it also destroyed the ecological stability of vast areas, increased erosion of the land, and led to the extinction of many life-forms.http://www.answers.com/topic/columbian-exchangeThe long-term effects of the Conquest are no less fascinating. The ‘Columbian Exchange’ as modern historians call it, brought the potato, the pineapple, the turkey, dahlias, sunflowers, magnolias, maize, chillies and chocolate across the Atlantic. On the other hand, tens of millions died in the pandemics of the 16th century, victims of smallpox, measles and the other diseases brought by Europeans (and don’t forget that the African slave trade was begun by the Europeans, to replace the work force they had decimated).Then, after the defeat and extermination of the native societies, came the arrival of the European settler class and the appropriation of the native lands and natural resources. From this process has emerged the modern US empire. The effects on the economies of the world were no less marked as it shifted the centre of gravity of civilisation to the countries of the Atlantic seaboard and their offshoots in the New World.http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/tudors/conquistadors_02.shtmlThis exchange of plants and animals changed European, American, African, and Asian ways of life. Foods that had never been seen before by people became a major part of what they ate. For example, before 1492, no potatoes were grown outside of South America. By the 1840s, Ireland was so dependent on the potato that a diseased crop led to the devastating Irish Potato Famine. The first European import to the Americas, the horse, changed the lives of many Native American tribes on the Great Plains, letting them to change to a nomadic lifestyle based on hunting bison on horseback. Italy became famous for its Tomato sauce, made from New World tomatoes, while coffee from Africa and sugarcane from Asia became the main crops of very large Latin American plantations. Also the chili and Paprika from South America was introduced in India by the Portuguese and it is today an important part of Indian cuisine. Before the Columbian Exchange, there were no oranges in Florida, no bananas in Ecuador, no paprika in Hungary, no zucchini in Italy, no pineapples in Hawaii, no rubber trees in Africa, no cattle in Texas, no burros in Mexico, no Chili peppers in Thailand and India, no cigarettes in France and no chocolate in Switzerland. Even the dandelion was brought to America by Europeans for use as an herb. Before there was travel between the two hemispheres, the different types of domesticated animals and diseases were much larger in the Old World than in the New. This partly led to the horrible effects of Old World diseases on Native American tribes. Smallpox probably caused in the highest death toll for Native Americans. Barely any civilization on earth stayed the same by this global ecological exchange.http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbian_Exchange
What does christophe Columbus have to do with the columbian exchange?
Q: Christopher Columbus
A: You could say that he was the “founder” of it. He “discovered” America, so because of him it was possible for Europeans to trade with the Americans.
What do you think it would be like if the columbian exchange had not happened?
Q: Im 14 years old and in history we are talking about the columbian exchange. The columbian exchange was when say europe brought plants animals and food to the americas. and who would you say benifited most from it, the western hemisphere or the eastern hemisphere? The western being the Americas or the eastern being places such as Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.
A: The people of the Eastern hemisphere got the best of the deal as the exchange benefitted them with new crops like corn and potatoes. OK, you could argue the number of cancer deaths caused by smoking or strokes caused by cocaine as the minus side of the exchange. Given the high number of cancer deaths & such in the world these days, you can see the day approaching when more have died from this than measles and small pox.Which is the second half, the Western hemisphere really got the dirty end of the stick. Sure they got horses & hamburger, but they also got a wide variety of contagious diseases like measles, small pox, etc. Even the plants of the Western Hemisphere got the shaft. Dutch elm disease, the emerald ash borer, and dozens of other plant diseases have nearly eliminated certain breeds of plants and trees who weren’t ready for the impact of Old world biological diseases.
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