What diseases were brought by european explorers to america

Health related question in topics History .We found some answers as below for this question “What diseases were brought by european explorers to america”,you can compare them.

Chicken pox, measles, and smallpox were common and rarely fatal among Europeans, but often proved deadly to Native Americans. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-diseases-were-brought-by-european-explorers-to-america ]
More Answers to “What diseases were brought by european explorers to america
What diseases were brought by european explorers to america?
Chicken pox, measles, and smallpox were common and rarely fatal among Europeans, but often proved deadly to Native Americans.

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A: Anasazi Gold and SpicesArchaeologists search for old artifacts made by the culture, while anthropologists try to uncover family stories by talking with the people of the culturesScandinavia Barbaric piratesColumbus claimed it for his country showing ownership of the land. Amerigo VespucciNative Americans respect and revolve life around:Environment Some if these questions and answers to chose go off the chart for bias and stupidity, but these are the answers your teacher wants.
History Help?????!!!! PLEASE????!!!?
Q: Ok so i need a little history help!!??? PLEASE HELP ME!! Thank you sooo much! ♥7.) One of the first Native Americans groups who built dramatic cliff towns were the: Hohokam Aztec Cherokee Anasazi 8.) In the 16th century, many countries sent explorers to the New World because they thought it had: Gold and Spices Oil and coal Exotic Animals Tobacco and Cotton 9.) Which of the following things was NOT brought to the New World by the Europeans? Guns Horses Corn Diseases 10.) What was the main disease brought by the Europeans that killed a lot of Native Americans Chicken Pox Small Pox Influenza Polio 11.) The difference between archaeologists and anthropologists is: Archaeologists try to uncover family stories by talking with the people of the culture, while anthropologists search for old artifacts that were made by the culture Archaeologists search for old artifacts made by the culture, while anthropologists try to uncover family stories by talking with the people of the cultures none of the above all of the above 12.) Where did the Vikings come from? Germany Holland Spain Scandinavia 13.) Vikings are stereotyped as: Barbaric pirates Caring Natives Adventurous merchants Terrible farmers 14.) Why is Columbus allotted with the discovery of America and not the other two people who found it? Columbus was white. Columbus claimed it for his country showing ownership of the land. Columbus was actually the first one to discover it. The other two people never did. Columbus was the richest and the most important. 15.) What man was discounted for discovering America, but after the land was already named after him? America Washington Christopher Columbus Amerigo Vespucci King FerdinandHow many times was America “discovered?” 1 2 ♥ 3 4 2.) The first people to cross into America were: Asians ♥Vikings Spanish Africans 3.) The first people came to America by: Driving the car Sailing in a boat ♥Walking over a land bridge Flying in a plane 4.) The person most the credited for discovering America is: An Asian from 30,000 years ago ♥Christopher Columbus A Viking George Washington 5.) The first groups of people who lived in America are known as: Slaves Europeans ♥Natives Americans Islanders 6.) Native Americans respect and revolve life around: Environment People ♥Technology Ideas
A: 12.) Where did the Vikings come from?Scandinavia 13.) Vikings are stereotyped as:Barbaric pirates14.) Why is Columbus allotted with the discovery of America and not the other two people who found it?Columbus claimed it for his country showing ownership of the land.ill email u when i get the answers cuz im stuck on it to 🙁
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