What can you do if your hands begin to turn a blue color

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Hands turning blue could be a sign of Raynaud’s Disease. Try and slowly warm your hands up, and check with a doctor! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-you-do-if-your-hands-begin-to-turn-a-blue-color ]
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What can you do if your hands begin to turn a blue color
Hands turning blue could be a sign of Raynaud’s Disease. Try and slowly warm your hands up, and check with a doctor! ChaCha!

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Q: My father used to tell me that whomever we meet changes us in a certain way, even if we cannot notice this change, it just happens. I did not believe Dad until I began to change my self. It was on sunny day. Jacquine, my best friend, called me and we decided to go out have lunch. He told me that he was feeling bad and he wanted to speak about, Jena, the girl he secretly loved. Putting on the air of a wise mentor, I asked Jacquine not to think and that I would fix everything up. After putting on my jersey jeans and tight pull over, I headed to Jacquine’s house and waited for him. Although I had a thick mat of brown hair over my head, I felt like the sunlight was penetrating into my skull. “Can I help you sir?” A raspy, quivery voice spoke from behind me. I turned and replied with a frown, “Thanks, just waiting for a friend.” Probably he wanted some money. He was an old man wearing the blue uniform of a security guy. He had brown, wrinkled skin and balding head, flanked with disheveled, grey hairs. His left eye, opposite to the blue color of his other eye, had a strange white color, as if his eyeball was mashed up and then reformed. “Fine,” he retreated into his chair, as if being humiliated by my cold reply. “I just have to check, I’m sorry if I annoyed you.” “Do you do act this way with everyone that comes near the building?” I asked, “It’s really ridiculous, you should stop it.” “It’s my job sir,” “Fine, if it’s your job, then do it right.” I raised my head to the first window. Jacquine was late. After giving him a missed call, I stood at the edge of the sidewalk, hoping that the old man would just leave me alone. The old man got to his feet once again and placed a hand at my shoulder. My face turned red. He was surpassing his limits, now I should stop him. “Take your hands off,” I said. It seemed that he did not hear me, so I thickened my voice and yelled. “Take off your hands; I’m not your friend.” His fingers shivered slowly at my shoulder and then he pulled it back. “I’m sorry once again sir,” Eventually, Jacquine appeared out of the building. He walked at me, and grasped me from the elbow. “Don’t talk to this man. We’re planning to replace him.” Jacquine’s voice was so loud as if he wanted to let the old man know that they were going to fire him soon. At the restaurant, we kept on talking and talking and talking, until there were no words to speak. After a slow walk back to Jacquine’s home, it seemed that everything was settled in Jacquine’s relationship with Jena. I convinced him to forget her. At the tail of Jacquine’s street, I noticed a throng of people gathering in front of Jacquine’s house. I pointed at them, elbowing Jacquine. “What has happened? may be there’s an accident or something.” By the time we reached the house, the loud screams of a woman emerged from the heart of the crowd. “John!” She flopped at the ground over a dead body and slapped her cheeks until they got red. The dead man’s body was donned in a blue, security uniform. He was the old man. “They say he gotta a heart attack,” One of the men at the crowd said, “He’s such an olda fellow…Poor man.” My heart seemed to stop beating for a second. I approached the old man’s body. His lids were opened up, with his eyes gazing at the stars above. He died, and he died on the day I humiliated him. “You’re not my friend,” The phrase echoed all over my bones, forcing me to pinch my knuckles harder. The anger surpassed the sadness. Suddenly, I slumped to my knees, laid my head over the dead man’s chest and cried. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…I didn’t mean it.”
A: Thant’s really nice and touchy, I just love it. I do many stories too… want to be my friend? We can share ideas about stories if you like to write ( I love to write.) Anyhow that’s a really really good story.
Is this a good Preface?
Q: Ya know, a preface: like the intro to a story. I just wrote one, tell me if it’s good. I would really appreciate feedback, thanks so much!JULIE’S WORDSPREFACEI see blue. Blue everywhere. Women in light blue dresses, men in navy blue suits with turquoise ties. It was Clarke’s idea to begin with. It was, of course, Julie’s favorite color. There are blue exotic flowers to match, along with blue tissues, which seem to be almost gone. The Power Point screen behind me glows blue, for the final slide. It’s a picture of Julie, the one that was taken when she won Nationals. She’s wearing a turquoise leotard. Dad put the slide show together. I was seriously about to lose it, but I kept talking. Talking about Julie. Mom cried at funerals for people she didn’t even know, so it was a no-brainer that she would cry at Julie’s. But when I look up at Mom, she’s smiling. There’s a twinge of a tear, lost in her eye, but I can tell, that she’s done crying. We had all cried for nearly four months. Now the crying was ending. Today. At Harrison Funeral Home. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Alicia Greene. Her mom, Ally, is comforting Lily, my sister, in the bathroom, who is wailing. Alicia looks confused and sad. My brain shifts over to the previous summer, in which my sister had spent nearly every day at the pool, laughing her guts out with Alicia Greene. But now, Alicia looks ashamed. Ashamed because she thinks it’s all her fault. Which might be easy to believe, but it isn’t. Alicia is just as much to blame as anyone else, besides the two creeps who did this to Julie. They’re serving fifteen years in jail. Trial had been the previous weekend. Next, I think of the color blue; and how it’s not really a color. It’s an emotion. And I’m not talking about when people are sad, they can just say that they are ‘feeling blue’. Because blue isn’t just sad. Blue is happy. Blue is confusion. Blue is a bittersweet secret. Like how only a fraction of the people in this funeral home know that there is no body lying in the mahagony coffin at the front of the room. Me, being one of them. My speech ends, and everyone applauds. I know what they thought of it. It was very pleasant, and a little touching, but probably only because I’m Julie’s sister. I didn’t say anything people wouldn’t expect me to say. I’m not a good public speaker, but I did it for Julie. Plus, Mom, Dad, and Clarke all voted that I speak instead of them. We all head to the foyer in the next room, for tea and cookies. Lily and Mrs. Greene walk slowly out of the bathroom. Lily’s face is tear-stained, and a strand of strawberry-blonde hair is matted against her cheek. Her green eyes are swollen and red. Her dress is ruffled. From descriptions, Lily looks like Julie. But she doesn’t. Julie’s eyes were rounder and her nose was a bit larger, her lips were thinner, and her hair was thicker and more curly. Even Mrs. Greene looks depressed. Her eyes are red. My dad rushes up to them, thanks Mrs. Greene, and takes Lily by the hand. As for me, I left the funeral home. I walked outside and sat on the curb. Julie did the same thing after our grandfather’s funeral. “Sometimes, if the sky is really blue, and there aren’t any clouds, you can talk to Grandpa. But you have to be quiet, and do it in your head. And he’ll hear you.” I remember Julie saying. Her sweet voice whispering in my ear sounds so real and frightening, that I actually turned to see if she was sitting next to me. But of course, she wasn’t. I looked at the sky. It was blue. Not a single cloud. Most people would say that this was normal on an August day in Alabama. But I felt such a surge at that moment, that I had to believe that it was a sign. I was supposed to talk to Julie. Julie, I got your messages. I though in my head. I just read a speech at your funeral, which was probably the scariest thing I’ve ever done. But I’m glad you made me do it Julie, because I actually enjoyed it. I miss you. I love you. Goodbye, Julie. A lonely, blue tear fell into my lap. good. I would really appreciate any feedback. Thanks!Thanks sooooo much! I just started the story, so there isn’t a draft yet, but I’ll get you one, I promise!
A: WHOA! You’ve got talent. I really love this preface!!! Send me a copy of a draft or something cuz I love this!!!This is gonna be a really good story, cuz you’ve already got me wondering:What did Alicia Greene do? What happened to Julie?How did Julie die???If you can’t answer these, please please please let me read a draft!!! Good job!
What do you think about my writing? Do you like it? I need your opinion..?
Q: Okay excluding the while errors with grammar and all that stuff what do you think?do you like it if so why?you dont like it? why dont you like it?Tell me what you think about itWould you buy it if it were in a bookstore by reading the first chapter?please answere all the question it will help a lot…and if you like it and would like to continue reading please email me at [email protected] i would be glad to show you the story as it goes…no rude comments please…say it politelyoh by the way sorry for the structure it is in i dont know what happened…here it is…1.Goodbye Love“Hi, Brit what did you need me for?”I asked Brigette as I walked into the living room. She sat very still in the couch her sky blue eyes filled with tears.She looked at me apologetically. She still was in her pajamas at seven p.m. kind of odd for her to be like that. Her chocolate colored hair was up on a ponytail. Looked like she hadn’t gone out the whole day. She kept her eyes fixated on me. Silence filled the room grew and uncomfortable.“Is everything okay? You feel okay?” I asked.She patted the seat next to her in the couch, signaling me to go sit next to her. I did as she wanted and went to sit next to her. I loved her with all my heart and something told me she wasn’t alright. I put her head between my hands forcing her to meet my eyes.“Baby what’s wrong?” I asked once again much more concerned.She broke out in tears I pulled her into my chest. Seconds later she pulled herself together. And finally spoke.“Aron?” She said trying to not meet my worried eyes.“Aron…I don’t want to hurt you but—“She paused and got up from the sofa. Something told me that she didn’t want to tell me something good.She sighed.“Aron— I don’t love you. I think it would be best if you and I went our separate ways.”She turned around to face me. Her eyes filled with sadness and something else anger, maybe.“I don’t” she paused. “I…I don’t love you as much I much did.”Her words burnt a hole in my chest. She didn’t want to hurt me but she still managed to do so.“No! Why are you joking around like this?” I asked her.Immediately my heart and mind went into denial to what she had just told me.No she can’t stop loving me…She promised me she would always love me no matter what. What happened to that promised? I told myself.I began to shake my head. My heart stopped for a second.“Please don’t do this to me. We can work it out.”I said as if any compromise could be possible.She bursted out into tears pleading for my forgiveness. My heart was in denial this just couldn’t be true. This was a nightmare that should soon end. I shut my eyes to try to weak up. I opened them and there I still was in her living room. Brigette was the woman of my dreams, my soul mate… the one person I’d do anything for.She pleaded me to forgive her.But why? She didn’t do anything wrong. Her heart betrayed her. It was something she couldn’t control. But as much as I told myself that she had no control over her feelings towards me that it was all her heart, I could still feel the pain more alive than ever. Her heart no longer longing for me hurt unlike any other pain I have ever experienced. It was the pain of love, something new I thought I would never feel.“But—”I hurried to find the right words. But none came to mind. This pain was to strong for me to bear with. My heart entered into a battle with my mind.My heart kept telling my mind“No. It’s not true nothing she is saying is true.”“But her words were so profound. They just couldn’t be fake” my mind responded.I didn’t want to leave her if I did life would be as if living it in hell. Her wide sky blue eyes looked at me filled with tears and once again pleaded for forgiveness. I entered into a state of shock. I had found my one true love and now to find out that I wasn’t her true love. She looked at me with tears coming out one after another. I looked down to the floor. She walked towards me. She reached up and now held my face between her smooth soft hands making me, no forcing me to look her in the eyes. Silence filled the room, only our fast breathing could be heard.I couldn’t speak.“Will you please say something?! Say something—-Anything!”She said with tears coming out again.She breathed in.“Tell me you hate me! Just speak…please”Why would she want my lips to move with words of regret?I looked into her eyes there was no doubt she felt atrocious for hurting me like this. She very well knew that she had become that reason of my existence. I tried to pull away from her hands, but she held my face there with all her strength.“Aron speak please!” she spoke again.Her voice with fear.I didn’t know what to say. What could I say? Don’t worry I understand you…No! I didn’t understand her.I sighed, and decided to speak to her.“What is there to say? What do I say?”Alleviation came to her at the listen of my voice.She shrugged at my question..She wanted to her that I would accept this with the passing of time. I couldn’t lie to her—I couldn’t lie to myself. My heart ached greatly a pain I had never known until now. It felt as if she were pouring salt into my wounded heart by wanting to hear a lie just to cover up the reality of things. I didn’t know what to say I could only concentrate on the pain that was inside me. She dropped her hands to her side and walked to the window. The phrase “you will be the death of me” came to mind although I don’t know why my mind wondered away at a time like this.“Brigette?” I called for her.“Yes, Aron?” her eyes still looking out the window.“What do you want me to say?” I breathed in. “You want me to tell you not to worry that eventually I’ll get over it?” I asked.“Yes…” she whispered softly.I didn’t know what to tell her now. That was what she wanted to hear from me…a lie. She turned around but never looked at me.“Aron. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for causing you this pain. I’m sorry for the pain I have put over you. I knew this wouldn’t be easy but I had to speak up before things went to far and the pain was bigger than what it is now. But you—”She hesitated. Pain bigger than this existed? I asked myself.I wanted to run into her arms. But I couldn’t allow myself to think how wonderful her arms would feel. Besides the pain I felt something else hate and resentment— something I didn’t expect to ever be grown towards Brigette.“I what?” I asked.Her tears quickly became sobs.“I—I…care about you.” She got the words out with a lot of effort.She took a deep breath and went on.”You mean so much to me. You where there twenty-four seven when my parents died.You’ve been with me since the tenth grade helping me get through it. It isn’t fair for me to just come and break a noble, gentle, loving heart like yours.”She closed her eyes shut so she couldn’t see the pain being afflicted in me.”I care about you a lot but it isn’t the same way as it used to be when we were fifteen. Many things have changed since then”—she sighed—“I’ve changed Aron.”Tears came out of her eyes, some escaped mine also.I tried hard to grasp each and every single word she spoke. I tried to understand where in the three years since we were fifteen something or someone changed.I walked to the window. A storm was coming on its way. Lightning filled the room and thunder ended the silence in the room.”All that you did for me changed the way I looked at you but I didn’t want to see it. But it was all so hazy that I couldn’t understand what my feelings were for you. Soon you changed into a brother figure to me…family”She smiled at the thought of family.Then again the room was filled with silence. I tried my best to not concentrate on the pain that she had just put over me.I decided to speak.”Brigette I think it’s time for me to go—“And I will never regret helping you through the tough times but I do wish you had told me when the way you looked at me changed. So I wouldn’t have made plans of you and I together.”I fought hard to restrain my tears, she quickly turned around to face me.”Aron don’t go please! I don’t want us to end like this. This isn’t how I wanted it to be. And you can’t go your cars at the mechanics and it will soon rain.”She said.Like that would stop me from trying to leave. She looked for any excuse so that we could end the right way to talk it out, but I could no longer bear to look at the woman I loved and still love with all my heart and know she doesn’t love me back the way I thought she did.”All has been said, That’s the least of the problems. It’s best if I go..”I walked to the door where so many times I had come in. It hurt to know that this was the last time I would walk through it. She fallowed behind me crying her eyes out. She put her hands over her heart shaped face to conceal the scream that she wished to let out.I hesitated on the door and looked at her for a minute.”You can hate me for everything I never did for you” she said.”Goodbye my love.” I said and that would be the last thing I would ever say to her I thought.”I could never hate you””Never.” I whispered back to her.As I began to distance myself from her home I began to agree with her I didn’t want it to end like this in fact I didn’t want it to end ever. But fate had decided differently. I soon felt alone she was the girl I had been waiting for only to find out I wasn’t the guy she awaited for. I remembered her kisses. Her soft and sweet lips. Tears came to my eyes at the thought that I would never be able to have her in my arms. I walked and walked without a destination not that I even cared where I went. I thought this was a nightmare that soon I would have to weak up from. But it was reality, and reality hit hard. I tried hard to block out thoughts of her so I wouldn’t lose control or my head.My heart ached I had never experienced this pain.I was only eighteen yet I knew that Brigette was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. The thunder grew louder and lightning became more consistent. I walked to the woods not caring at all what time it was, I don’t think I even remember my own home. The anguish was bigger than what I would have ever imagined. As much as I tried to prohibit my heart from building anger it still did so.Rain drops began to fall from the skies above to my head and body. I walked in the woods not caring if I got home. I didn’t pay attention to were I was going I just wanted to disappear from the phase of the earth… to never be seen again. The rain became heavier and soon my whole body was soaking wet. Although it was pretty cold outside I didn’t feel it. The pain didn’t let me feel anything else. The pain eased after a while. I became aware of my surroundings. I had walked in the woods for over two hours it was now midnight.2.CovenAs I walked farther into the woods I felt as if I were being watched. I should have worried but I didn’t. Later I felt followed, quickly I turned around to look behind me but I could not see anyone and it was pitch black only the lighting brighten the path but afterwards leaving me blind.I turned back around.I gasped at the surprised to find the most stunning woman standing in front of me. Hey skin was pale but perfect no flaws. Her eyes dark almost black but I wasn’t sure if that was just me. She spoke to me.”Who are you?”Her voice was so sweet, astonishing, like a melody. Unlike any other voice I’ve ever heard. She ran her fingers from my ear, to my jaw, to my lips. She traced my lips and finally she put her fingers under my chin and tilted my head back. She kept her fingers there her touch was cold almost as ice but soft. Couple seconds later she dropped her hand back to her side. Something told me this was no average girl. Something told me to make a run from her but another didn’t want to stop looking at her breath taking beauty. Her hazel colored hair didn’t seem to be affected by the rain. She stood silent and still awaiting my answer.I breathed in her sweet sent, an aroma you’d associate with an expensive perfume. I think her sent topped any expensive perfume out there.”I’m Aron, and you?”It seemed like a silly thing to ask someone this astounding but it was all I could come up with. Her captivating beauty was truly blinding. She looked at me and tilted her head to the left then right. Meanwhile I had the chance to look at the rest of her. Her body was just as perfect as her face. She put any Milan model to shame.She wore dark colored skinny jeans, with black leather four inch boots that reached her knee. She wore the boots over the jeans. Her top was a black cami. What intrigued me was that she wore a black cape over her. Its length was all the way to the bottom of her heel almost touching the ground. The cape hugged each of her curbs.”My name is Ella.”She smiled revealing perfectly aligned white teeth.”Your heart. It’s filled with pain.” Said Ella while putting her hand in my chest where my heart is.”How did you know?” I asked amazed.”The look in your eyes. the slow beating of your heart.”I smiled and looked at her hand that was placed on my chest.”Wow! You’re good.””Aron come with me.” she added quickly.”I can take all the pain away. Turn you into someone more powerful with abilities unlike anyone else.”I looked at her completely oblivious to what she meant.”Okay take the pain away then.” I said.Part of me didn’t believe in a single word she spoke but another knew she could that she could be capable of so much more.She smiled at me.Suddenly she began to lean close to me as if she were going to kiss me. But she began leaning in closer and closer until her lips touched my neck. She kissed me once and leaned back a couple inches.”Join me in the death of your soul and the birth of a new soul” She said.Still I was unaware of what she was speaking about I took it all as a joke. Then again her cold soft lips touched my neck, next thing I knew she had sunken her teeth in to me. It felt as the life was being sucked away from me, it felt good as if my worries were being taken away from me. Only until after she moved back I realized what she was. She grabbed my hand and said”Time for you to join the coven.”I was scared of what had just happened. Pain began to fill my body I groaned and she held on to me with more force so I wouldn’t fall.”You’re…You…Are— A—Vampire!” I said through the pain.She smiled at me.”I told you a new soul would be born.”A vampire? No I’m asleep it explains the break up, the womans beauty, the vampire woman I told myself. The pain became stronger it felt excruciating yet very good because all the memories of my life just seem to be disappearing one by one. All the things and people I had ever known became hazy. Only her memory still remained as if it were tattooed to my brain. I closed my eyes and win blew against my face I opened my eyes only to see I was surrounded by nothing but blackness. I turn to look for Ella and she stood beside me calm and holding my arm her shoulder length hair blew back so gracefully . I looked around I couldn’t see anything I could only feel the wind in my face. I turned around and around to see what was happening. I began to see streaks of light. Only then did I realize we were traveling at the speed of light yet we still stood in place. I could see the trees well their blur..”Ella what’s going on? What did you do to me? Ella!” I asked fearfully.”Shh…” She said putting her index finger on my lips.”Calm down. Everything will be okay and very soon you will get all the answers to your questions. But first you must begin your commencement.”Everything around us suddenly stopped moving and we were in what looked like castle we were no longer outside. I realized that we had been “transported” to this castle. We began to walk in a long corridor. Candles filled the corridor with light. The pain became afflictive and filled my body. The hall ended at what looked like a ballroom. A circle of men with the same cape as Ella’s gathered in the center of the room.”Ahh. Aron welcome to our coven.”Said a man in the center extending his arms as if he were going to give me a hug.
A: its good…..like u said it has some grammatical errors….i would want to read more….can u pls email me the whole story at [email protected]….
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