What are the side effects of a staff infection

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Lung disease, can lead to abscess formation in the lungs. Infection of the heart valves (endocarditis) can lead to heart failure. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-side-effects-of-a-staff-infection ]
More Answers to “What are the side effects of a staff infection
What are the side effects of a staff infection?
Infections do not have side effects. A “staff” infection is one caused by the staphlococcus aureus bacterium. It’s nomally shortened to “staph”. Such infections are characterized by redness at the site of the infection, …
Can Staff Infection can effect my clothes?
That’s STAPH S T A P H, not staff.
Can someone have a msds positive staff infection effect a positiv…?
More plausible a result of an HPV infection . Staph (not staff) is a bacteria, HPV is a virus , they are a bit different. nope No this would not result in a positive HPV test. No. Staph is a germs and HPV is a virus. The two are unrelated a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are the side effects of a staff infection?
A: Infections do not have side effects. A “staff” infection is one caused by the staphlococcus aureus bacterium. It’s nomally shortened to “staph”. Such infections are characterized by redness at the site of the infection, moderate pain, and usually pus. I hope this helps.
what are side-effects of MRCA? i might have it?
Q: today i went to the gym for about an hour, then to the batting cages for 1hour and 1/2. when i got home, i looked at my arm and there was a big rash about 3inches long and 2 inches wide. there was a white bump in the center of it. i didnt have any open sores or cuts there, could it be a staff infection?
A: If you didn’t have a cut, how could it be MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) ? This is a classic case of wrong self-diagnosis, or a little knowledge being a dangerous thing. It’s very unlikely that you could contract MRSA if you haven’t got a wound and haven’t been in a hospital.It’s probably an allergic reaction to grass pollen, or an insect bite.See your doctor if you’re concerned.
A question to doctors, medical staff & people in the know regarding an infection on my finger?
Q: Its on my middle finger, right next to the nail. I think it came from when i bit off my nail and the nail peeled down the side instead of coming off cleanly. It was tender and slightly discoloured yesterday but not sore, and when i woke up this morning it was very sensitive, when i touched it it was painful and is very tender. It is also green coloured, not the whole finger but just the tiny spot which i think is infected. the top of my middle finger is substantially bigger than the top of my other middle finger, and the whole finger is really warm all the time!the following is a link to a picture, not very good though, it on the top of the finger on the picture (the left of my nail in real life, but on the right because of the camera mirror effect thingy). you can make out the green part and the small lump it has made (the lump is an extra to the small swelling)http://s134.photobucket.com/albums/q99/jackandrews/?action=view&current=finger.jpgI forgout about the actual question! err, just general information, what to do? is it serious enough to see a GP? my mum said to `lance it`, stick a needle in it just to pick out the infection. any information and tips would be great! thanks 🙂
A: Keep soaking it in very hot water with salt or Epsom salts added.Get Kaolin poultice from chemist or Magnesium sulphate paste and apply after a good soak,Cover with a dressing and a bandage–you can buy little rolled up finger bandages to slip over your finger.You need to keep doing this daily till all the pus comes out.
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