What are the lyrics to ‘Perilli’s Miricle Elixir’ by Sweeny Todd? MORE

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Ought not to be there? Well, ladies and gentlemen, From now on you can waken with ease. You need never again have a worry or care, I will show you a miracle marvelous rare, Gentlemen, you are about to see something wot rose From the dead! On the top of my head. Scarcely a month ago, gentlemen, I was suddenly struck with a rare Oriental disease. Though the finest physicians in London were called, I awakened one morning amazed and appalled To discover with dread that my head was as bald As a novice’s knees! I was dying of shame Till a gentleman came, An illustrious barber, Pirelli by name. He gave me a liquid as precious as gold. I rubbed it in daily like wot I was told, And behold! Less than thirty days old! ‘Twas Pirelli’s Miracle elixir That’s what did the trick, sir, True, sir, true. Was it quick, sir? Did it in a tick, sir, Just like an elixir Ought to do! How about a bottle, mister? Only costs a penny, guaranteed. COMPANY: Penny buys a bottle, I don’t know You don’t need MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-lyrics-to-%27perilli%27s-miricle-elixir%27-by-sweeny-todd%3F-more ]
More Answers to “What are the lyrics to ‘Perilli’s Miricle Elixir’ by Sweeny Todd? MORE
What are the lyrics to Perilli’s Miracle Elixir by Sweeny Todd??
And appalled To discover with dread that my head was as bald As a novice’s knees! I was dying of shame Till a gentleman came, An illustrious barber, Pirelli by name. He gave me a liquid as precious as gold. I rubbed it in daily like wot I w…
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