What are the four roles of proteins

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Protein is used by the body to fighting illness & disease, build and repair body tissues, produce enzymes, carry nutrients..MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-four-roles-of-proteins ]
More Answers to “What are the four roles of proteins
What are the four roles that proteins can play in a living things…?
・ Proteins help to carry out chemical reaction. ・ Proteins pump small molecules in and out of cells. ・ Proteins are responsible for the ability of cells to move. ・ Proteins are source of raw materials and cell’s energy.

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A: http://library.med.utah.edu/NetBiochem/macromol.htmThis should answer most of your questions.
Can you help me with food science? preferably about proteins?
Q: if you have nothing good to say then dont but if you have an answer please answer. i posted this so i could possibly finish two packets that i have today. on proteins i have questions like:3) what elements make up protein molecules?9) what is a foam?10) explain what gluten is.11) What is an egg white usually called?12) list the nutrients found in egg yolk.13) Describe the physical changes that occur in eggs during storage.14) when should sugar be added to an egg foam?15) identify a substance that can be added to poached eggs to help the cooked eggs have a uni-formal shape.16)name 2 types of proteins that control body processes.17) what purpose do proteins serve because they are amphoteric?18) name at least four essential amino acids.19)what is the difference between complete and incomplete proteins?20) on what does a person’s Recommended Dietary Allowance of protein dpend?1)What large molecules contain many atoms?2) An example of complex biological systems…3) what is the bond between 2 amino acids in a protein molecule?4)a chemical process that changes the structure of protein molecules without breaking the covalent bonds..5)the process of changing a protein into a semisolid clot or solid mass..6) One kind of lein muscle protein..7) A form of protein that helps the body fight disease..8)This group is found in amino acids..9)A protein connective tissue..10)a. proteins that act as chemical messengers..b. A protein found in the blood..11) meringue and whipped cream are examples of these..12) what are Ropelike structures that keep the egg yolk centered.13) what is Able to react as an acid or a base14) what is the main protein present in egg whites?15) the kind of acids that are the building blocks of proteins..16) proteins which control chemical activity in the body are..17) One cause of protein denaturation…18) proteins that do not contain all the essential amino acids are..19) protein can be denatured by a change in this..1)why do ppl of any age need protein?2)name three places your body constantly needs new cells?3)how often are blood cells replaced?4) wat types of proteins control body processes?5)y does ur body need food proteins?6) what r antibodies?7)wat is the role of lipoproteins?8)name 2 situations in which protein can be used for energy?9) y is it important that protein are amphoteric?10) list 5 foods high in protein.
A: Holy shoot kid ,Don’t they have a textbook for this class ?Lemme get a couple of these out of the way for you19) protein can be denatured by a change in this..>Heat and/or acids which is why egg whites always have some cream of tartar[an acid] added to them during the whipping process9)A protein connective tissue..>Two actually :elastin & collagen12) what are Rope like structures that keep the egg yolk centered.>Chalazae14) what is the main protein present in egg >>Albumin5)the process of changing a protein into a semisolid clot or solid mass>Denaturing >A properly poached egg is a classic example of heat and acid making a protein a solid10) explain what gluten is.I saved thus one for last b/c it’s gonna be a long answerFor culinary purposes you can truthfully say that flour does not contain glutenPlease leave this Q open and I’ll write the 3-5 gluten paragraphs abit later
Four biology questions…?
Q: 1. what 2 roles do microtubules play in cells?2. What organelle functions as the cell’s protein manufacturing center?? idk3. What is the best laboratory technique to use to learn more about the structure of proteins that form channels across the plasma membrane?4. what is the function of cytoplasmic streaming and when would it be most useful?THANKS SO MUCH AGAIN!!:-* KISSES
A: 1.Part of the cytoskeleton, help with cell structure and help in some cellular processes including mitosis, cytokinesis, and vesicular transport.2.the ER transport proteins. ribosomes make the proteins, Golgli body delivers the proteins to the right organelle in the cell 3. a powerful microscope, staining liquid, other “seeing” techniques. the structure of channel proteins in the cells membrane let substances into and out of the cell that are two large to flow freely into the cell.4.Cytoplasmic streaming is what amoeba’s use for locomotion by “streaming there cytoplasm in there membrane. and the flowing of the cytoplasm in eukaryotic cells.
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