Is there a disease or condition that makes you smell constantly

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People with kidney or liver disease may have an ammonia smell. Things people eat can also affect the way they smell. But there is not a disease that makes you smell. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there a disease or condition that makes you smell constantly
Is there a disease or condition that makes you smell constantly?
People with kidney or liver disease may have an ammonia smell. Things people eat can also affect the way they smell. But there is not a disease that makes you smell. ChaCha!

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Has my cat developed an allergy?
Q: My cat, Snuggles, is a spayed female Siamese of about six years of age. Before recently, she has displayed only one possible symptom of allergy: (although it is a symptom for many other things, as well) vomiting. However, mere vomiting is far from conclusive; half of the time, it was simply regurgitated hair, and another large percentage of the time, it was due to over-eating (my kitty can be a bit of a piglet, but I have cut back the food available to her). Only a few times has her vomiting been due to illness, and these times were given away by other problems (diarrhea, lethargy, hiding, and, in one case, inability to vocalize). At these times I would, of course, take my cat to the vet, so the problems never grew too dire… but now, I am at a loss.About four or five days ago, my cat started to vomit up something different from little chunks of hair or large quantities of undigested food; it was a brown-green, rank-smelling substance that seemed to be comprised mostly of bile and partially digested food. This was a big tip-off for me that something might be wrong; however, cats can catch stomach viruses, too, so the vomiting alone did not provide probable cause to take her to the vet. Then I began to notice her eyes… specifically, her left eye.Ordinarily, my cat’s eyes are remarkably free of “sleepies”, “eye buggers”, “ocular buildup”, or whatever else one chooses to call that sticky substance that can sometimes build up around the eyes. Now, however, I notice that her left eye often has a grey-ish green and moist buildup around the corners and even sometimes on the rim. It waters almost constantly, and she often prefers to either squint it or hold it closed. I am almost positive that this problem developed three days ago, but I am not sure what it could mean. She has not vomited again since four or five days ago, but the oroblem with her eye persists. From what I could see when I held her eye open and examined it, there was no foreign object that I could see. There was also no redness in the eye, which might indicate that a foreign object lodged somewhere that I couldn’t see. However, the rim of her eye, which is usually of a brownish tint, was decidedly pink, especially when compared to her right eye, which has so far displayed none of the symptoms of the left.I began to wonder about allergies, as I have experienced allergies in cats before; however, Snuggles has had no localized or generalized itching of any sort. She has not lost patches of fur, developed hives, or had any diarrhea. With only the evidence of that once case of vomiting and the one watery eye, I cannot conclude with any certainty that it is allergies that are troubling her.So I ask you, the Yahoo! community… has my cat developed (probably an airborne, possibly a food) allergy? Or is there, perhaps, another condition that could cause her eye to become so irritated? Do cats get diseases along the lines of pink eye? And also… do you feel that I should make a trip to the vet? I like to err on the side of caution with such things, but unfortunately, I don’t control the money in this household, so I cannot just take her myself. I have to be able to present a strong case with evidence that the cat NEEDS medical treatment.I will continue to watch my cat, and post any additional information should other symptoms arise. I realize that this is no substitute for professional veterinary advice, but such a large pool of knowledge certainly helps. Thank you for your assitance!~The Tigress
A: I’m not too sure, but try posting your question on this cat site under health issues, there are many people on there to help-
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