Is smoking marijuana good for your eyes

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Glaucoma is an eye disease that seems to be helped by the main psychoactive compound in marijuana. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is smoking marijuana good for your eyes
Is smoking marijuana good for your eyes
Glaucoma is an eye disease that seems to be helped by the main psychoactive compound in marijuana. ChaCha!
Do your eyes dilate when smoking marijuana?
That can happen, yes. It can also make your eyes red and glassy. But this doesn’t happen so much with regular pot-smokers. It happens more to people who don’t smoke weed very often.
Why does smoking marijuana sometimes cause bloodshot eyes??
Within a few minutes after inhaling marijuana smoke, an individual’s heart begins beating more rapidly, the bronchial passages relax and become enlarged, and blood vessels in the eyes expand, making the eyes look red. –From Utah Dept. of P…

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Is cigarette smoke better or worse for your eyes than marijuana smoke?
Q: I’m just curious on the differences between the chemical make-ups of the two types of smoke, and how they affect the eyes overall. I have an eye condition that makes them sensitive to a lot of things, but it seems like cigarettes feel worse on them. Am I just imagining things, or does the marijuana just make me not feel the burn?
A: ….cigarettes have chem’s added …pot is not modified…both are burned and heat combines carbon, enzymes and various chem’s already in either plant to form hundreds of new and harmful chem’s….both are attributed to respiratory diseases, including CX….check your blood pressure next time smoking (before during and after, each half-hour, over a couple of hours) …log your b/p each day, watch the fluctuations….the readings are related to cardiovascular function….and how much your veins and arteries are stretching and contracting….your blood vessels are like a balloon, so is your skin, and all of the vessels in your organs, i.e., lungs, heart, kidney….then marinating those vessles (and organs) in harmful chemicals over a few decades creates an ‘unnatural’ progression in the life of the respective tissue of blood vessels and major organs….just a question: “how, by smoking cigarettes, does a male prostrate gland develop or female cervix cancer?”…i am just asking….i know you and many others know better than I as to how that might occur…Peace
Why don’t I get that weird/cool/good high that I used to get after smoking marijuana anymore? PLEASE HELP?
Q: The first time I smoked it was weird. When I took my first hit my throat burned so bad. It was raining so I was drinking rain water off of this table (We were under this Gazeebo/tent type of place). But I was following the lines on the floor and just kept following every line going left and right, up and down for awhile. But my brother and his friends were like “dude your so stoned” and stuff. But I kept denying it. Then I was like “woah, I am high.” But then I got tired, and I dont know how to explain it but when I was in the car leaving, I felt like I lost control of my body, and I had to litterally move to get back in control, I mean like shake my arms and then I would have control again. It felt like I was in one of those dreams where the person is not in his body, but with like his guardian angel type thing. And I was watching my self. Then we saw this burger king commercial. This was the first time I have ever had the munchies. I loved it. I got so much BK but then I realized I was eating a shitload, and I kinda felt full but I could eat for ever. So I stopped. But then acouple weeks later my brothers friend slept over, and they were outside smoking a blunt. So they texted me to get outside and smoke with them. We were in my driveway, and my dad has a truck. And there was a cooler in the back, so I grabbed a Gatorade bottle out of it, and kept smoking. When I got back inside, put in some Visine, and then I played video games, while playing a video game my friend was like “yo dude listen to this, close ur eyes, put ur head down or what ever and just listen to the music.” I was like “ok hahaha.” It ended up being some weird, crazy, techno song. I loved it. I listened to it like 5 times. Then I played halo 3, and I felt like there was a 3 second delay from when I moved my character, to the time he moved. I was like woah. Then I just started laughing histarically out of no where. I loved it. When ever I listened to music I just listened to every word. Every single word had so much meaning and everything made sence. I listened to this song about a guy trying to get into a gang, so he ended up raping and killing this random girl off the streets, and it ended up being his mom. So he jumped off the building and killed himself. When I listened to that song, I almost cried. That song had so much meaning and I was blown away. It was crazy. I ended up falling asleep listening to music, and it was awesome. That was probably one of the best nights I have ever had in a long time. But after that, I started smoking once a night with my brother on the porch of my house. And then I started smoking a lot. I mean just being that “stupid stoner” everyone hates and talks trash about. I smoked acouple blunts a day just sitting in my basement. One day while smoking a blunt I was like wow. This is so stupid. I had no reason to just waiste my life smoking and sitting in my basement. So I stopped, and said I will only smoke on weekends. Then I started smoking on weekends only, and then I was like wow. This is still stupid. So I started smoking a little every weekend. Now I smoke once in awhile (like once every month). But when ever I smoke, I don’t get that “good high”. I don’t laugh a lot, my body doesn’t get like numb, I don’t lose control of my body, I just laugh a little here and there, and get the munchies, I get tired, and I just like feel out of it and slow. Why don’t I get that really “good high” like I did when I first started smoking marijuana? And please don’t say “get better weed.” Because I have really good weed. I just bought a bag of this weed that smells like gods vagina, and I still don’t get that crazy awesome good high that I got that one night. Also when I stop smoking for a month and then I do smoke, I do laugh, I do get really high, but its not that weird but good feeling like I did that one night. Why is this? What can I do to get that really cool but weird feeling again? And PLEASE… I KNOW SMOKING IS BAD FOR ME! ITS MY CHOICE TO DO IT! WHAT EVER NEGATIVE THINGS YOU SAY DO NOT AFFECT ME AT ALL! KEEP IT TO YOUR SELF! Thanks =D for the help!! Best answer gets a lot of points 🙂
A: Great story! I can relate! I stopped smoking herb years ago because I got fidgety and couldn’t get comfortable. No longer fun, just annoying. So I stopped. I don’t have anything negative to say. If it’s not getting you high like it used to, then there’s no use for it! Sounds like you’re missing it, but are you really? Keep it movin and do something else! (but not harder drugs!) Have a couple (only a couple) of drinks, but don’t get smashed. Peace
Why don’t I get that really weird/cool/good high like I used to get after smoking marijuana? PLEASE HELP MEEEE?
Q: The first time I smoked it was weird. When I took my first hit my throat burned so bad. It was raining so I was drinking rain water off of this table (We were under this Gazeebo/tent type of place). But I was following the lines on the floor and just kept following every line going left and right, up and down for awhile. But my brother and his friends were like “dude your so stoned” and stuff. But I kept denying it. Then I was like “woah, I am high.” But then I got tired, and I dont know how to explain it but when I was in the car leaving, I felt like I lost control of my body, and I had to litterally move to get back in control, I mean like shake my arms and then I would have control again. It felt like I was in one of those dreams where the person is not in his body, but with like his guardian angel type thing. And I was watching my self. Then we saw this burger king commercial. This was the first time I have ever had the munchies. I loved it. I got so much BK but then I realized I was eating a shitload, and I kinda felt full but I could eat for ever. So I stopped. But then acouple weeks later my brothers friend slept over, and they were outside smoking a blunt. So they texted me to get outside and smoke with them. We were in my driveway, and my dad has a truck. And there was a cooler in the back, so I grabbed a Gatorade bottle out of it, and kept smoking. When I got back inside, put in some Visine, and then I played video games, while playing a video game my friend was like “yo dude listen to this, close ur eyes, put ur head down or what ever and just listen to the music.” I was like “ok hahaha.” It ended up being some weird, crazy, techno song. I loved it. I listened to it like 5 times. Then I played halo 3, and I felt like there was a 3 second delay from when I moved my character, to the time he moved. I was like woah. Then I just started laughing histarically out of no where. I loved it. When ever I listened to music I just listened to every word. Every single word had so much meaning and everything made sence. I listened to this song about a guy trying to get into a gang, so he ended up raping and killing this random girl off the streets, and it ended up being his mom. So he jumped off the building and killed himself. When I listened to that song, I almost cried. That song had so much meaning and I was blown away. It was crazy. I ended up falling asleep listening to music, and it was awesome. That was probably one of the best nights I have ever had in a long time. But after that, I started smoking once a night with my brother on the porch of my house. And then I started smoking a lot. I mean just being that “stupid stoner” everyone hates and talks trash about. I smoked acouple blunts a day just sitting in my basement. One day while smoking a blunt I was like wow. This is so stupid. I had no reason to just waiste my life smoking and sitting in my basement. So I stopped, and said I will only smoke on weekends. Then I started smoking on weekends only, and then I was like wow. This is still stupid. So I started smoking a little every weekend. Now I smoke once in awhile (like once every month). But when ever I smoke, I don’t get that “good high”. I don’t laugh a lot, my body doesn’t get like numb, I don’t lose control of my body, I just laugh a little here and there, and get the munchies, I get tired, and I just like feel out of it and slow. Why don’t I get that really “good high” like I did when I first started smoking marijuana? And please don’t say “get better weed.” Because I have really good weed. I just bought a bag of this weed that smells like gods vagina, and I still don’t get that crazy awesome good high that I got that one night. Also when I stop smoking for a month and then I do smoke, I do laugh, I do get really high, but its not that weird but good feeling like I did that one night. Why is this? What can I do to get that really cool but weird feeling again? And PLEASE… I KNOW SMOKING IS BAD FOR ME! ITS MY CHOICE TO DO IT! WHAT EVER NEGATIVE THINGS YOU SAY DO NOT AFFECT ME AT ALL! KEEP IT TO YOUR SELF! Thanks =D for the help!! Best answer gets a lot of points 🙂
A: You smoked to many brain cells
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