Is it common to have strep throat when you’re pregnant

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Group A strep is most common cause of bacterial throat infection. No figures as to how common in pregnant women. See your doctor. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it common to have strep throat when you’re pregnant
Is it common to have strep throat when you’re pregnant’re-pregnant
You need to seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY. Strep is a dangerous disease for anyone to have!

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Help, I feel like my doctor misdiagnosed me b/c he’s tired of all the swine flu patients?
Q: I’m 16 weeks pregnant and went to my doctors on Tues. b/c I felt sick–I had a bit of a sore throat and a lot of pressure and achyness around my face. I didn’t have any nasal problems. I thought I had the begining stages of a sinus infection.He came in and w/in 5 min. said I had strep throat.I had no fever and I have been checking since I’m pregnant and the flu is hitting.My throat wasn’t that bad–it felt like an allergy sore throat–nothing too painfulAlso, I had my tonsils taken out when I was little, so I can’t tell you the last time I had strep–I mean, I never get it now that my tonsils are gone.My doctor didn’t even take a strep culture, which I know you can do the rapid ones in the office and wait 20 mins for the results. He didn’t even ask questions that would ween out a sinus infection.He just said “yeah you have strep and here is some low dose amoxicillan since you’re pregnant”.I left feeling very unsure. I’m a hypocondriac, so I read up on a lot of medical information and this is a new doctor I’m seeing…everyone swears he’s one of the best in my area, but I felt like he was tired of the mass quantity of patients coming in thinking they have the flu.Well I have been taking the medicine for two days and my throat is fine, but it wasn’t that sore to begin with. I didn’t even see white or yellow spots on the back of my throat. But even though I have been taking my medicine, my head and the pressure around it has still be present. Just like if I had a sinus infection. And this morning I woke up w/green mucus when I blew my nose.I don’t know what to do b/c I don’t want to call and say “I know you went to school for 6-8 years, but you’re wrong”. But I’m pregnant and I need to get better for my baby and my immune system AND I can’t afford to take anymore days off work since I get a limited amount of sick time and it’s only October.What do I do?I read that amoxicillan can treat sinus infections but doctors usually use a strong antibiotic such as zithromax or bactrium.Does anyone know anything about my situation??I also read that fevers are common w/strep and I haven’t had a fever at all…I was floored when he said I had strep…I really feel that I had the beginning of a sinus infection.Ugh..
A: Take the rest of your medicine, and if you don’t feel better then go back. You worrying so much is probably worse for your baby than having strep or the flu. Stress goes a long way, so just relax, take a day off of work, listen to some music your baby would like, I think classical? and just relax for you and your baby.
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