How many African Americans are killed a year

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The number of deaths of African Americans a year is 292,808. Deaths from: Heart disease: 74,225 Cancer: 62,499 Stroke: 18,118 [ Source: ]
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black Americans how do you feel about these figures?
Q: * In America today, almost as many African-American children are aborted as are born. * Since 1973, abortion has reduced the black population by over 25 percent. * More African-Americans have died from abortion than have died from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer and heart disease combined. * Every four days, more African-Americans are killed by abortion than have been killed by the Ku Klux Klan in its entire 150 year history. * Planned Parenthood operates the nation’s largest chain of abortion clinics, and almost 80 percent of its facilities are located in minority neighborhoods. * Less than 13 percent of American women are black, but they submit to over 35 percent of abortions. * In one week, more blacks are killed in American abortion clinics than were killed in the entire seven years of the Vietnam War. * The most dangerous place for an African-American to be is in the womb of his or her African-American mother.This is not by accident. Planned Parenthood’s eugenicist founder, Margaret Sanger, was the featured speaker at a like-minded group called the Ku Klux Klan as she wrote about in her autobiography (on page 366).Parylyze it is nether a stupid nor ignorant question.As a Black America male I see the younger females in my family ignorant of there own history.I see them parroting Democrat propaganda and never looking at the actual reasons things are the way they are.I was seeking to see if this is geographical or wide spread.You wouldn’t believe the founder of planned parrenthood when she stated of her own free will that she founded it to destroy our people?Sunshine abortion as individuals has nothing to do with race.Marketing abortion as a solution to societies problems by destroying black America Does.The equivalent would be for the government to sponsor discount handgun stores and locate them in Black American neighborhoods.Sarah Check these For your requested proof. in the second article Obama’s science Czar has previously called for FORCED ABORTIONS.
A: it’s unfortunate. for our population to thrive we need more black kids. we have the highest reproductive rate among all races, which is another blessing and it upsets me black women will rather abort the child than multiply and shift the population in our favor.
How can any African American individual support abortion after seeing these numbers?
Q: Each year, almost a half a million black babies are lost to abortion. The Life Education and Resource Network (LEARN), the largest African-American pro-life group in the country has produced a chart which shows that from 1973-2001, abortion has claimed more than two and a half times as many African-American lives as the next five leading causes combined. In 2005, a total of 292,808 blacks died in the U.S. That same year, almost twice as many blacks (roughly 447,700) were killed by abortion. In 2004, the black population in the U.S. stood at 36 million. Between 1973 and 2004, roughly 15 million blacks were aborted, which means that, as of 2004, nearly 30% of the black population has been lost to abortion! And that doesn’t even factor in all the children that would have been born to those aborted a generation ago. Population estimates show that blacks will soon lose their status as the nation’s largest minority group. To put it bluntly, abortion has thinned the black community in ways the Ku Klux Klan could have only dreamed of.Source: www.abortion73.comLest you feel these claims are an exaggeration, consider the numbers. According to the most recent census data, black women make up 12.3% of the female population in America, but account for 35% of all U.S. abortions – that according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The Guttmacher Institute (AGI) puts the percentage of black abortions at 37% of the U.S. total. Similarly, AGI tells us that Hispanic women account for 22% of all U.S. abortions, though they make up just 12.5% of the female population. Compare those numbers to non-Hispanic, white women, who make up 62.6% of America’s female population(1), but account for only 34% of all U.S. abortions.Abortion is eliminating minority children in the United States at a staggering rate.Every day in America, an average of 3,315 human beings lose their lives to abortion. Based on the percentages above, 729 of those babies are Hispanic, 1,127 are white, and 1,227 are black. Not only are black children being killed at a far greater percentage than white children, they’re being killed in greater numbers, period. Is that not shocking?! Though the white population in the U.S. outnumbers the black population five to one, abortion kills more black children than white children, every day.source:
A: Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. Founded by Margaret Sanger, it is revealed that the original purpose of planned parent hood was reducing the fertility rate among minority groups, particularly African-Americans.According to an article published in the “Internet Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology,” a history of abortions is associated with aggression towards children. This statistical and clinical research done in 2007 shows that as abortion rates escalate, so does child-abuse. Pro-choice advocates claim in theory that abortion prevents child abuse suggesting that killing children is much, much better than beating them. According to a statistical study done in 2005, approximately 7% of women decide to have abortions because of hard cases such as rape or incest or to avoid dying in the process of giving birth.
when will the US get rid of the Protestant terrorists operating under it’s nose?
Q: the Protestant terrorists have been killing african americans for how many years now! the government knows about them and doesnt take action!the USA is a state sponsor of terrorism!! until the government does something about the KKK i will continue to believe that they harbor terrorists.
A: There’s a phrase you don’t see every day… Protestant terrorists… because the US is so gooood at covering it up. Put the spotlight on the Muslim terrorists instead.
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