How does DNA sequencing contribute to the understanding of genetics

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DNA sequencing allows us to see how diseases and traits have been passed by ancestors. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does DNA sequencing contribute to the understanding of genetics
How does DNA sequencing contribute to the understanding of geneti…?
DNA sequencing allows us to see how diseases and traits have been passed by ancestors. ChaCha!

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Is there a direct connection between genetics and the behavior of children, adults,etc.?
Q: Is there a direct correlation between the two. As everyone knows DNA and RNA sequencing are wrapped into the genetic outcome of offspring. As these give rise to the physical traits we all endure, my question is do we retain the memories and thoughts of our mother and fathers within that genetic code, and if so is that a reason for the a persons individual personality? In my belief how we are raised brings out vice or virtue, what I dont understand is if the memories of our guardians directly contributes to the psychological phenomena we know as the our consiousness. I know about the chemicl romance that governs our decisions that is related to genetics but do we un-conciously generate our mother and fathers memories to influence our decisions in life?
A: If I get this, you are basically asking if Behavior, Personality and Memories are passed on through the genetic makeup of a person to an offspring. An individual’s behavior in a social situation (interaction with other people) is determined by both genetic and environmental factors:Behavior is determined by the individual’s personality, by the personalities of other individuals, and by his (her) real-life situation (present-day environment).I found that at this place and then I found this at some other place:Well, it has been proposed that there is something called genetic memory, but the VAST MAJORITY of people educated in cell biology and genetics (like yourself) don’t buy into it… Neither do I… Neuroscientists generally accept the idea that memory or any type of learning for that matter is achieved according to Hebb’s postulate–that more efficient firing between adjacent neurons occurs upon repeated stimulation–thus, you learn or you remember… Some individuals have claimed that memories are actually stored in altered genes–which, in my opinion, is completely absurd… The only cells that have been known to actively mutate their DNA are T cells and B cells (for production of TCR’s and immunoglobulins respectively). So, I am in accord with most scientists in that “genetic memory” does not exist… To wrap it up, personality traits like intelligence are very much genetic. But when it comes to a genetic memory, it doesnt exist.
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