How can uremia be treated

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can uremia be treated”,you can compare them.

Treatment of uremia, which is directed at the underlying kidney disease, is usually with dialysis and renal transplantation. MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can uremia be treated
How can uremia be treated
Treatment of uremia, which is directed at the underlying kidney disease, is usually with dialysis and renal transplantation. MORE?
How is uremia treated?
Treatment of uremia, which is directed at the underlying kidney disease, is usually with dialysis and renal transplantation. Treatments with genetically engineered erythropoietin decrease the complication of anemia.
Can Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome be Treated?
Unfortunately, once hemolytic uremic syndrome develops, there is no known treatment that can stop the progress. Most treatments are aimed at easing the immediate symptoms and signs of this disease and at preventing further complications. Su…
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