Do virgins live longer than non-virgins

Health related question in topics Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “Do virgins live longer than non-virgins”,you can compare them.

There is no definite answer, however it should be noted that virgins have significantly less chances of getting sexually transmitted diseases that could be life threatening. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do virgins live longer than non-virgins
Do virgins live longer than non-virgins
There is no definite answer, however it should be noted that virgins have significantly less chances of getting sexually transmitted diseases that could be life threatening.

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do virgins live longer than non virgins?
Q: i’m just wondering on health grounds that by having sex late would actually give you more years
A: You could check the statistics for religious orders. Despite the well-publicized exceptions, most members of orders that demand a vow of celibacy keep that vow. I think you will find that there is little difference in how long they live compared with, say, clergy in religions that do not demand celibacy.However, married men statistically live longer than unmarried men, even if the unmarried men stay sexually active.
Does being a virgin really mean that you are ugly?
Q: I am 17 years old and all i have done with a guy is make out. People say i am really pretty, but i am a virgin. Most all of my friends say that ugly people are the only ones that are virgins still but I think I am prettier than most of my non-virgin friends (and many people agree with me on that too.) I live in a small town so it is hard to start dating someone, just because we have known them forever. I am kind of quiet so meeting new people takes longer for me. But there are a couple guys that i have known forever that I could lose my virginity to, but i have no intentions of having a serious relationship with. I don’t know if I should wait til I get a boyfriend, or should I just do it and get it over with with one of my guy friends. I don’t want to get to college and still be a virgin, guys will think that is weird. Guys already think I am weird because I am really pretty and I am a virgin, so they probably think somethings wrong with me. Please help me. Advice please! 🙂
A: Being a virgin does not mean your ugly. Also dont have sex just because everyone else had sex, have sex with someone you care about and love. Theres noting wrong with being a virgin and you defineatly not wierd, in fact your better then your friends becuase you have the courage to say no. Also Im in college, 18 and still a virgin and I dont find it wierd that girls are still virgins, I have tons of friends(also girls) that still are that prefer to wait till they find someone special. Good Luck and dont make a decision that you’ll regret.
Can you be a virgin, and be pretty too?
Q: I am 17 years old and all i have done with a guy is make out. People say i am really pretty, but i am a virgin. Most all of my friends say that ugly people are the only ones that are virgins still but I think I am prettier than most of my non-virgin friends (and many people agree with me on that too.) I live in a small town so it is hard to start dating someone, just because we have known them forever. I am kind of quiet so meeting new people takes longer for me. But there are a couple guys that i have known forever that I could lose my virginity to, but i have no intentions of having a serious relationship with. I don’t know if I should wait til I get a boyfriend, or should I just do it and get it over with with one of my guy friends. I don’t want to get to college and still be a virgin, guys will think that is weird. Guys already think I am weird because I am really pretty and I am a virgin, so they probably think somethings wrong with me. Please help me. Advice please! 🙂
A: .To answer your subject line, one thing has nothing to do with the other. You are a virgin or not (medical fact). You are pretty or not (subjective, depends on the opinion of the person being asked). They are completely unrelated issues.
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