Can polycystic ovarian syndrome turn into cancer

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Women with PCOS have greater chances of developing several serious, life-threatening diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancer. The chance of getting endometrial cancer is a concern for women with PCOS. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can polycystic ovarian syndrome turn into cancer
Are women haveing polycystic ovarian syndrome have higher risk fo…?
Women with PCOS don’t have a greater risk of developing ovarian cancer. They have a greater risk of developing endometrial cancer. This is because women with PCOS don’t have enough periods, leading the endometrium to be too thick and too ol…
Can polycystic ovary syndrome cause ovarian cancer?
First, I would like to apologize for the delay in answering. Unfortunately, my son required …

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Obesity Causes? Social Stigma?
Q: Obesity: Social Prejudices and the Medical Community’s DisregardIt’s a meaner world out there folks. Everywhere you turn there are people who choose to be hateful in deed and word for just about any reason you can think of. There is the obvious and not so subtle racism, class prejudice, ageism, and political polarization, just to name a few. That’s not to say that there are not exceptions to every rule but so many people have adopted political correctness to such a degree that humans have found much more subtle ways of showing their hatreds. Some of these behaviors have gone underground only to emerge in our institutions, businesses and social strata. Sure it’s always been there but now it appears that its effects are more noticeable and very, effectively dehumanizing to those on the receiving end of the many prejudices and bigotry being voiced concerning those of us who are not a size 5.Obese, heavy, overweight people are REALLY catching hell. People assume that when they see an overweight or obese person that they must be lazy, unproductive; lacking the will to take better care of them selves. I am sure that a small percentage of people in the USA fit that bill, however, you may be surprised that most of them do not.There are many reasons for obesity. The bottom line though is that people who are obese or become obese have bodies that literally no longer work the way they are supposed to.Here are a few medical and non-medical reasons people become obese:Processed Foods: White-flour-based anything, sugar, coffee, booze and high sodium content (all of which usually make up processed food) is the enemy of the human body. It doesn’t know what to do with it but glean what little nutrients it can, store the majority and dump the rest.Hypothyroidism: Since the thyroid controls the basic workings of the human metabolism, if it is too low, then it cannot convert many food calories into a usable source and that inability will cause weight gain despite healthy eating practices. When the thyroid goes wacko on the low end you WILL get fat. If it goes wacko on the high end, you can lose weight exponentially and have as many medical problems as an obese person.Cushing’s Disease/Syndrome (Cushing’s disease has always been considered a dog or horse problem, hmmm go figure): This disease is “reportedly” prevalent in only 10% of each million people if you want to believe what the CDC, FDA and AMA bother to report. Cushing’s occurs because the body producing too much Cortisol. Cortisol controls regulation of blood pressure and the immune system, and keeps insulin levels in the body stable. In Cushing’s Disease, it is assumed that only a tumor on the pituitary gland is responsible for the production of excess Cortisol. However, a few other doctors disagree and have found that Cushing’s Syndrome can also be caused by food dependency and steroid- based products such as Prednisone; especially if they have been taken for long periods of time.Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: is a hormonal disorder in women. Most women would not know to ask their doctors to have them tested for this disease because the medical community considers it rare. I dare say it may be the norm today with the amount of hormones coming through our food products for many years.Oral Contraceptives: Progestins and other steroid based drugs for cancer often throw the thyroid out of balance and injure the Hypothalamus, which usually results in weight gain.Anti-Psychotic and Anti-Depressants: Taken even a short time, depending on the health of the thyroid or hypothalamus, will cause either weight gain or weight loss. The majority is weight gain especially in those taking these drugs for many years. I am doing research now as to how many people taking these drugs have had their thyroid effected, treated ,or removed.Insulin and Insulin-Stimulating Drugs: These drugs are used to treat diabetes almost always leads to weight gain. Talking about a conflict of interest when it comes to a person already overweight from diabetes and deeply disturbing for those with type 2 diabetes[ Reviewed By: Harvey Simon, MD, Editor-in-Chief, Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; ]Doctors, pharmaceutical companies, the diet industry, and exercise businesses have a vested interest in keeping as many people obese as possible. Money.I mean do you know how much a lap-band and stomach stapling costs? In some instances Medicare will pay for these surgeries before they pay for the many tests available to diagnose any one of the above stated problems. Instead, millions are spent on denigrating people who find themselves obese and have no clue why. Billions are spent on gyms, get-thin drugs, exercise tapes and books, special foods, diet clubs, plastic surgeons and equipment, by people desperate to reclaim active, healthier lives and avoid the worse part…social stigma.People are openly mea
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