Can laughing really add years to your life

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It is still a mystery, but most say it will increase your life span and can fight disease! Keep the quesitons coming! ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can laughing really add years to your life
Can laughing really add years to your life
It is still a mystery, but most say it will increase your life span and can fight disease! Keep the quesitons coming! ChaCha!

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Im so confused!! What do i do!?!? please help!!?
Q: I know this is long but I really need help so please read it and answer. Thanks! Anyway im in 8th grade and girl was really nice to me before I met her, I met her, we talked during class for a few months , I added her on facebook, we messaged each other everyday for a few weeks ect, ect…and I told her I liked her on a facebook message. The message went like this “Ok im gonna get this off my chest…I think your really funny and cute. Your all I can think about at school and I always get really nervous and shy when your around. Im sorry if this shocked you I just had to tell you and i hope you don’t think im freak or something cuzz of this:D. Thanks” and now she has been ignoring me for a month since i sent this. At lunch a few days after I told her she sent her friend over and she said”I heard you were stalking my friend” in front of all my friends! Honestly im afraid of her and her friends now. I feel like everyones mad at me all the time. Im so confused! Do you think shes mad at me? Im seriously considerings suicidal thoughts because life isn’t worth living. Im going to get through all of school and end up a lonely man who works at Mcdonalds. I can’t remember ANYTHING! I know im not stupid and I do so bad in school because im not responsible and I forget everything. I know im not stupid and I try hard but I can never get better than a C. This has been year round btw so it’s not because of her…I miss my friendship with her and I still like her. I just want to hold her in my arms and laugh with her. I hate myself for screwing this up.
A: I think you’re just going to have to move on – show her and her friends that you can be happy with someone else. If she’s mean enough to ignore you instead of talking to you herself then maybe she’s not worth wasting your time over. You seem like a decent, honest guy, who doesn’t deserved to be treated like that. Find someone new, try and keep your mind away from her and focus on your school work. You can do it, just think positive. And if you need any more eadvice, feel free to email [email protected]
is this a “no” or is this a “wow that suprised me let me take 10 steps back and think”?
Q: Just trying to get a better understading of this concept. there’s this woman, she’s been my friend for few years now. We do A LOT of stuff together. We are very similiar, love the stuff and laugh at the same things. I know our friendship means A LOT to her (when i went off to Basic, she gave this 2 min hug and she cried (first time i ever seen her cry)). I help her out with problems if she has them (example her and her friend are growing apart, and i convinced both of them they needed to talk). We both have the same idea of a perfect life (what to do/what to live for/what to do when we retire….) the list really goes on. BUT while at basic i sent a letter that exaggerated my feelings of her (basic really ***** with your mind, everything back home you love 10 times more, no joke. and you can’t talk toanyone except 5 mins on a pay phone once every 3 weeks) she said “idk, i just want to be friends”I may add that was 4 months ago and we are better friends now then before. also i never talked to her about it rele i never told her “that was not normal of me” or even laughed about it, we both kinda pretend it didn’t happen. [i should probably talk about it with her right??]Would you say it was probably the lettr that threw her completely off guard that freaked her out, or is “being just friends” more than just an excuse? and if so explain cuz im an artent believer of “marry your best friend” but that popular saying compleley contradicts “we are just friends”anyways if you read to ths point thank you for reading at least, if you write somethng helpful….thank you very much!
A: It is most definitely a “NO’ from her side for anything more than you two being just good friends!!!.
My Question is not long ill put in now add a litte more detail?
Q: Please read this question and poem im sorry i made it so longHow would u feel if Your best friend you talked to for a long time u had laughed and giggled with him or her talked friendly stuff and then a while she or he didnt talk to u and then they had said my life i got better when i stopped talking to you I know her for a while since Like late summer 08′ or spetember this year either one. We got a long well we had are arugments friendly and serious.Btw im a guy.I want a lot of people to answer this then i made this poem for her:My Friend, a poem from me to you, apologizing poemForever for me to you man your somebody special I don’t want to lose a friend like youYou walked into this life walked in my friendship filled It up with gladness if were not friends its just sadnessYou mean something to me your like a star you shine more than the sun but I can still see that bright lightBut you’re a pleasant person you shouldn’t go through that a better life maybe its there for you to choose thatYou here I’m there you’re my friend much love to you I want to hug you like a bearI’m apologizing for what happened its life really occurs what friendships about, I thought it wouldn’t be like this guess I was wrongI still got myself ahead of time would you forgive me so I could be glad I wouldn’t want to be so sadIt like two path ends you walk on one side I walk on the other, I see you, you see me how about that we meet at the time of 3.You’re my friend but its still good kind of miss you, happy for you not bad for me things got better when you had stop talking to me.Your like someone I wish I known early maybe before I was about to turn into a teenager More like a sister I wanted never got you treat me like a brother it’s a deed should have been no duh or greed.In my head I regret that being two, one to five you’re on my friends list from top ten to five.Basically it simply likes a math question 1+1=2 friends that should never be sadly apartI really understand, no matter what your friend, I hope you know that I thought I could show that make me quiet insideWith out you its like stuff goes high like feeling sorry for things when time goes byeI did this poem for you like a red violet or two 3 blue roses or four What are friend for; a guy couldn’t live without a friend like you my buddy I really miss you for give for doing wrongLook in your heart see how much time it takes long. Can I still be you friend I hope to be not time is soft and now what I still get a hurt, it was my fault. At that one time I sorry I ignored you and treated you weird. Just for my emotions you’re like a medication I could love and never be hating
A: good peom very good keep up the good work hope she accepts it
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