Will Drinking a lot of water make you gain weight

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Water is not stored in your body in the same way that fat is, so it will not permanently make you gain weight. Thanks for asking! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-drinking-a-lot-of-water-make-you-gain-weight ]
More Answers to “Will Drinking a lot of water make you gain weight
Does drinking a lot of water make you gain weight?
Well to be technical, anything you put into or onto your body (ie food or a backpanck) will make it heavier because you will weight your normal weight plus that item. However, when you poo or pee, you lose weight because you have released m…
Does drinking a lot of water make us gain weight?
idiot , drinking lots of water reduces fat from our body not gaining fat so drink atleast 12 glasses of water daily to freshen up your face.
Does drinking a lot of water make you gain or lose weight??
Both. You will gain water weight, that will eventually go but drinking water will make you a healthier pesron in the long run, and make it easier to loose weight. To speed up your metabolism, drink a large glass of water every morning soon …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does drinking a lot of water make you gain weight?
Q: i’ve been drinking a lot of water and i was wondering if i would be gaining water weight.
A: Just the opposite….drinking a lot of water makes you lose weight. Here is another idea for you….I lost 50 pounds in 5 months. The doctor said that I did it at good rate. I keep it off for over 2 years, the due to some extenuating circumstances I gained 15 pounds back…but am on way to losing it.I did this by eating smaller, snack size meals, every 2-3 hours. This keeps your metabolism going so you burn more calories, and keeps your blood sugar level so you won’t feel as hungry.I highly suggest foods high in protein and fiber. Low fat, but NOT non-fat. Drink plenty of water. Keep your meals small…..most of them 200 calories or less. There are a million 100 calorie snack products out there to help. Dinner can be a little more….I love Lean Cuisine dinners. Don’t skip dessert! I personally love anything chocolate and ice cream is great. I like Skinny Cow ice creams or Bryers / Dryers double churn ice cream. Eat foods you like or you won’t stick to it.Go for walks every day or at least do some sort of exercise program. But walks are easy to fit into anyone’s schedule and give you time to unwind and think.Good luck….I hope you reach your goal.
Will drinking tons of water make me gain weight? Making me a little stronger?
Q: Ok, I’ve got a weights test for my high school weights class in about 4 er 5 weeks. Ive got to bench more than I can right now, I can only get my test weight probably 3 or 4 times. I’m 6’5 about 180 lbs – tall and lanky. The more you weigh, usually the more you can lift. I know when you are dehydrated, you lose strength, and boxers drink water to gain weight. Im taking protien everyday. So if i drink lots and lots of water for the next couple weeks will I gain weight and make me a little stonger? If not any ideas how I can get my bench max up about 40 lbs in a really short time?
A: no why would it do that for and don’t drink to much you can die from water intoxication
Does drinking water make you gain weight?
Q: If you don’t eat much throughout the day and then drink a lot of water, will you gain? I know you’ll have water weight, but does that evenutally go away? How long does that take? Where does the water go?Is it the same for any zero calorie drink?Sorry for so many question but I’m confused about it!!!*It’s not a lot of water, because I also have bladder problems =] So probably only 32 ounces a day.
A: You will weigh more immediately after drinking it because water is very dense, but it’s just the weight of the water itself in your stomach. Your weight will vary throughout the day because of things you eat and drink, which is why you should weigh yourself first think in the morning before you eat or drink anything because it will be more accurate. Drinking water definitely won’t make you gain weight because it doesn’t have any calories. As for where it goes, you pee and sweat it out.
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