Why is it important to drink a lot of water when dieting

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is it important to drink a lot of water when dieting”,you can compare them.

A small study says it may help you burn a few more calories each day. It also keeps you hydrated. Thanks for choosing ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-it-important-to-drink-a-lot-of-water-when-dieting ]
More Answers to “Why is it important to drink a lot of water when dieting
Why is it so important to drink lots of water when your on a diet…?
when you don’t drink enough water your body will hold onto what it has, refered to as water retention it can add quite a few lbs to your scales, drinking enough water makes sure your kidneys and body doesn’t hold onto excess water as it kno…

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why is water so important when dieting? easy 10 points?
Q: i know how important water is of course! but evertime i ask a question about losing weight everyone always says drink lots of water.why is that so important? why do you have to drink alot of water when dieting. doesn’t that just add water weight?
A: because water clears all those extra calories that you dont need in your system so basically those extra calories wont be stored as fat so it helps for you to loose weight plus it takes up space in your body so you wont crave to much food so thats good for you cuz youll gain if you eat too much anyways plus water keeps you active and gives you energy so its best to drink lots of it when your on a diet and it clears your thirst better than juice or soda!!!!!!!!!!Ps DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!
Why is it so important to drink lots of water when your on a diet?
Q: im just curious because im on a diet and several people said to drink lots and lots of water . Im doing it but i dont know why I should.I would like the scientifical explanation. =]thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A: when you don’t drink enough water your body will hold onto what it has, refered to as water retention it can add quite a few lbs to your scales, drinking enough water makes sure your kidneys and body doesn’t hold onto excess water as it knows there will be ample supply coming in to sustain you.
Why is water so important in a diet?
Q: I’m 5’7 131 lbs and I want to lose 10 lbs. I’ve been exercising and watching my calories and sugar intake but I don’t drink a whole lot of water. That seems to be the first thing people say when giving advice on weight loss, but why? Does it actually help you lose weight to drink so much or is it just to make you feel full?
A: It flushes the toxins out. The fat and acids that you are trying to lose are helped out of your system by lots of water. When you are trying to lose weight its the “water weight” that comes off first, if you have a 10lbs goal then it should come off pretty quickly with an increase in water.
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