Why is iron good for our bodies

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is iron good for our bodies”,you can compare them.

Iron is a mineral, it’s main function is to primarily carry oxygen in the body as hemoglobin in blood and myoglobin in muscles. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-iron-good-for-our-bodies ]
More Answers to “Why is iron good for our bodies
Why is iron good for our bodies?
Iron transports oxygen (NOT carbon dioxide) from the lungs to the tissue cells in the body and helps release nutrients form food. It is an essential nutrient for good health and overall energy.
What Does Iron Do For Your Body?
It aids in the formation of red blood cells, and they help to transport oxygen through your system among other things. That’s why a lot of people get energy and a higher blood count when they take Iron. However, Iron IS toxic in higher leve…
How Does Iron Help the Body?
Iron transports oxygen throughout the body, which is useful for fighting off infection. Learn the benefits of iron with tips from a licensed dietitian in this free video on Read More

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is iron good for our bodies?
A: Iron transports oxygen (NOT carbon dioxide) from the lungs to the tissue cells in the body and helps release nutrients form food. It is an essential nutrient for good health and overall energy.
why is iron very important in our bodies?
Q: iron is only 0.01% in our bodies. Why?
A: Iron in the hemoglobin of red blood cells, carries oxygen to all the cells of our bodies – it is the oxidized iron that produces the predominant color of blood. A common form of anemia is caused by lack of iron and results in low blood oxygen level. It causes us to be listless and prone to feinting spells.
What is the importance of iron for our bodies?
A: Iron is important because it binds with the heme in our blood to help us carry more oxygen to our cells.
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