Why is caffine bad for you

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Caffeine tends to promote calcium excretion in urine which could increase the risk of fracture. Thank you for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-caffine-bad-for-you ]
More Answers to “Why is caffine bad for you
Why is caffine bad for you?
Obviously, even a great thing like caffeine has its limit. If too much is taken in, in too short a time period, unpleasant side effects can be experienced. Nausea, confusion, excitability, etc. are some symptoms that have been reported with…
Is Caffeine GOOD or BAD?
I can’t find the links, but I’ve read on numerous occasions. I’m not saying it’s good. For me, it has its place.. definitely aids whilst cutting. I agree with a lot of the stuff however, but I think there is a line when it comes to caffeine…
Is caffine REALLY that bad for you?
in moderation it is fine. in excess (as in anything) it’s not. excessive caffine can be linked with sleep problems, dehydration, effects on bone health, increase of the stress horomone ‘Cortisol’, weight, etc.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is so caffine bad during pregnancy?
Q: And what does it do to the baby?I probably drank more caffine that I should have with my first baby, and she’s normal and healthy. Im now pregnant with my 2nd baby and drinking WAY more than I did with the first. Ive tried to cuttback on it, but then I get a really bad headache. Soo does anyone know what’s wrong with having it?
A: Babies don’t break down caffeine like adults do. It crosses the placenta and sits in the babies system. Because they are small and break it down slowly caffeine can get to dangerous levels that it would be hard to get adults to. It also doesnt make the baby grow properly during the nine months.
Why is caffine bad for you?
Q: I understand that it does somthing or other to your liver. And that it shouldnm’t be taken in high doses but why. And what non-alcoholic drink is the worst?
A: Obviously, even a great thing like caffeine has its limit. If too much is taken in, in too short a time period, unpleasant side effects can be experienced. Nausea, confusion, excitability, etc. are some symptoms that have been reported with very large doses of caffeine. The DSM-3-R (Desk Reference to the Diognostic Criteria), used for medical / psychological diognosis, actually lists a diagnosis for caffeine intoxication:”Caffeine-induced organic mental disorder 305.90, Caffeine intoxication”Recent consumption of caffeine, usually in excess of 250 mg. At least five of the following signs: restlessness nervousness excitement insomnia flushed face diuresis gastrointestinal disturbance muscle twitching rambling flow of thought and speech tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia [fast or irregular heartbeat] periods of inexhaustibility psychomotor agitation Not due to any physical or other mental disorder, such as an Anxiety Disorder.(American Psychology Association, 1987) There have even been cases where a person died from caffeine toxicity, but they are strange and rare – like an individual who died after ingesting over 3 grams of caffeine intravenously! In order for the average person to risk toxicity from caffeine, s/he would have to drink over 60 – 100 cups of strong coffee in a short period of time (the amount would be less for small children, since they metabolize caffeine slower).Basically, consuming too much caffeine (exactly how much varies greatly), will probably be very unpleasant, but will not kill or even permanently damage you. Unless you are guzzling coffee by the gallon, or are extremely sensitive to it, there is no real danger present in that precious cup of java.If you consider a “withdrawal” as negative side effect that the following applies: When one regularly consumes caffeine, the body becomes less sensitive to it. When caffeine intake is then reduced, blood pressure drops, causing an excess of blood in the vessels (and in the head). This results in the famous “caffeine headache.” Other symptoms reported when reducing or eliminating caffeine consumption are irritability, restlessness, fatigue, inability to work, etc. These symptoms can usually be relieved with normal pain / headached relief medicines, or by simply having a cup of tea or coff (or soft drink, chocolate, etc – though coffee & tea are less threatening calorie-wise). Since there is no harm in moderate, daily consumption, these possible side effects can easily be avoided.
If caffine is bad for your diet/weight loss why do some diet pills contain caffiene?
Q: If caffiene is bad for your diet/weight loss why do some diet pills contain caffiene?
A: The caffeine in diet pills speed up your metabolic rate for awhile, burning a couple more calories than otherwise. Caffeine hypes up the system, but when it burns out, watch out! That’s when people crave the carbs and sweets putting in jeapordy all the calories they burned while the diet pill was working! A diet should be a healthy change for the better. What a person’s eating habits should do is keep his or her blood level at an even level. Caffeine, sweets, highly processed carbs won’t do that for you. That’s why you should skip the diet pills and focus on eating a balanced, healthy diet.
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