Why does water help with weight loss

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does water help with weight loss”,you can compare them.

Water helps boost your metabolism. It ensures that your kidneys and liver can do their jobs efficiently! Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-water-help-with-weight-loss ]
More Answers to “Why does water help with weight loss
How does water help with weight loss?
Very often when we think we need fluids we have a coffee, or a soft drink. The problem with this is that we experience wetness from the fluid in our mouths but the fluid we are taking does not hydrate us. Coffee is a diuretic so drinking co…
Does drinking water help weight loss?
Adequate fluid intake is important and definitely a good goal, not only during diets, but also in general. Drinking a glass of water before your meal fills some of your stomach volume and adding a small amount of psyllium (a soluble fiber) …
Does water help with weight loss?
Yes. Because often when you think your hungry you’re really just thirsty. And it helps you feel fuller so you eat less. It also helps to flush out your system.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does water help in weight loss? Why are we told to drink so much of it every day?
Q: I don’t understand why water is stressed so much. Everyone says to drinks tons of water and it’ll help you lose weight. But, how? I can’t drink more than 2 or 3 bottles a day. It bloats up my belly like a balloon! I understand drinking water instead of juice or soda, but why do i have to drink 8 cups a day?!
A: It’s nature’s natural body cleanser, it removes the wastes from your body and moves them out of your systems. If you didn’t drink water those wastes would stay where they were and they would cause you other body problems. A body can’t function properly if it isn’t cleaned properly is all it comes down to.
Does drinking warm water help in weight loss? How does sauna help?
Q: Why do people say, start ur day with a glass of warm water with lemon juice added to it? Does sipping warm water throughout the day help in weight loss? Does sitting in the sauna help in losing excess fat? Is there any food that can stimulate weight loss or help u to burn fat?
A: Yes, Water is 2/3 of your bodies weight. Drink 8 ,12 oz. glasses of water daily. It help the body get rid of excess weight, and make you healthier. Our bodies crave water, it’s molecules surround the fat tissues, and help them burn them off.Sauna baths help burn up excess fat tissue also. Warm water or cold, lemon or orange, make no difference in weight loss.Keep drinking water it fools the body into thinking it’s full, so you don’t eat as much, too.Blues GG
How does water help weight loss?
Q: I’ve always wondered how it helps weight loss. Does it actually actively do something, or just suppress your hunger so you don’t go and eat something calorific?~Mystic.
A: Both. It supresses your hunger somewhat by filling your stomach with something besides food.It also helps to keep your system moving so that the food doesn’t stay in your body so long – thus not able to absorb so many calories from said food..
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