When do males have their growth spurt

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In boys, the growth spurt begins at 12 or 13, reaches a peak by age 14, and is typically over by the age of 19. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-do-males-have-their-growth-spurt ]
More Answers to “When do males have their growth spurt
What causes a growth spurt (Males only)?
It’s caused by hormones released during puberty. It’s possible to jump start it with various hormone treatments, but it’s generally not healthy to do so.
When does the growth spurt for males end?
Generally, when you reach 18 you have reached your adult size however this is moreso the case for the ladies moreso than the guys. Quick questions: How long have you been 5’7″? How tall are your parents and their parents(your father…
Can you have two growth spurts if you’re a male??
Not during adolescence. Growth is very rapid for the first several years of life, slows down during later childhood, until adolescence when it increases rapidly, and then slows down again and eventually stops. Teenage males usually have t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When males get growth spurt and how many times in their life?Can I still grow 7 or 9in?
Q: I’m a male and I’m almost 16 yr old, can I still grow 7 or 9 in if I’m 5.7 in now, so can I reach height of 6.1 feet or 6.2 feet or 6.3 feet or 6.4 feet?? I don’t smoke and I don’t drink alcohol. I really wane be tall do u think I will be??
A: Most guys stop growing around 19-20 years old, but they have been known to grow until they are in their early twenties.How tall you get is mostly based on genetics. Look at your parents. How tall they are will give you a good idea. Also, look at your extended family such as aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
When do most males hit their growth spurt?
Q: I’m 14 and havent hit mine yet and all my friends have already hit theirs so i feel short
A: Dw your time will comenot sure when but be patient
At what age do males hit their growth spurt?
Q: And how do one know this? I’m going to be 19 in june and i still haven’t hit my growth spurt. Thanks
A: i think you have had it you’re just short and u didnt realize it when you were having it.
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