What will happen if you take whey protein after working out

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What will happen if you take whey protein after working out”,you can compare them.

Studies show that carbohydrates combined with a little protein creates a better muscle refueling and building response, and it reduces cortisol, a hormone that breaks down muscle. ChaCha again for more answers!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-will-happen-if-you-take-whey-protein-after-working-out ]
More Answers to “What will happen if you take whey protein after working out
Should i take whey protein before or after working out??
You should take it during and after your workout. Make sure you take it with carbs. Make sure you are working out really hard to get the most benefit.
Is it better to take whey protein AFTER or BEFORE working out mus…?
More essential after but you should take it before as well. Most post work out specific protein shakes consist of hydrolyzed(pre-digested) protein and fast acting carbs such as maltodextrin. These specialized blends cause a spike in blood s…
When is the best time to take whey protein before or after your w…?
Actually both. Before, about 20-30 minutes, to help reduce the catabolic effects of exercise, and immediately after to help kick start the recovery process. Be sure to take some carbs with it, too, usually 1.5-2 grams per gram of protein ta…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what does it mean by take whey protein within 20min after workout?
Q: I read in most body building articles that whey protein works the best if you take it within 20min after your work out. But what happens if you do cardio right after lifting? does the 30 mins of running count as “work out”? Or should I take my protein after lifting and then go running?I’m trying to bulk up. I go to the gym everyday (training different muscle groups but always at least jog for 30 min)
A: Lenneth….Consume your post workout whey shake post workout! You will be fine consuming it after all of your activities are done. Good luck
will whey protein before and after a workout helo me? ive worked out for 2 years nothing has happened help me!?
Q: please help me get ideas for different workouts..ive been lifting for two years havent noticedd any muscle growth and im thinking about whey protien before and after a work out any ideas?
A: if you havent hit puberty yet you will not gain muscle either way. Also youre probably not working out correctly, 70% of people dont
What happens if you drink a glass of protein shake a day without working out?
Q: Just a glass of protein shake. Its milk and one serving of 100 percent whey protein. What will happen if you don’t lift weights or anything? Just drink a glass of the milk and protein daily, what would happen?
A: you will not gain weight if you are replacing a meal with it. for your body to utilize the extra protein in your system though, you have to workout and do strength training.
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