What vitamins does celery have

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What vitamins does celery have”,you can compare them.

It is a very good source of folic acid, potassium, and vitamins B1 and B6. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-vitamins-does-celery-have ]
More Answers to “What vitamins does celery have
How long can you survive on Celery, Water and Vitamins alone??
You can’t and still be healthy. You aren’t getting the nutrients you need to keep your body functioning. You’ll probably start having problems within a week to 10 days, depending on your activity level. Your metabolism will start shutting d…
Is it healthy to go on a celery diet even balanced with vitamins??
Absolutely not! You won’t be giving your body a balanced diet, which is especially necessary for an athlete.
Does Celery have vitamin K in it?
celery has very little nutrients compared to other greens,not saying it doesnt have any i mean 1 cup has like 40% of ur daily requirement BUT the darker the better spinach is best and broccoli and brussel sprouts and green beans are also go…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does celery have any nutrients or vitamins in it?
Q: And how much is the percentage of water?
A: Check this site out,It will tell you everything you need to knowhttp://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=14
is it true that the vitamins you can get on feeding celery helps my african lovebird to be sexually mature?
Q: i give my african lovebird vegetables everyday cause there some advise to me that i must feed them vegetables coz this can help them to lay egg my lovebird were mating for so long until now they doesn’t lay egg.i ask many people this is there advise to me.
A: Giving celery doesn’t help to be sexually mature but it helps to be nourish while in breeding condition, about mating, mating not always have result a good. It has correct angles….you need have only 2-3 perches in your cage
Does Celery have vitamin K in it?
Q: My grandpa has blood problems and is supposed to eat green veggies with vitamin k in them.
A: celery has very little nutrients compared to other greens,not saying it doesnt have any i mean 1 cup has like 40% of ur daily requirement BUT the darker the betterspinach is best and broccoli and brussel sprouts and green beans are also good
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