What types of foods are fatty foods

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What types of foods are fatty foods”,you can compare them.

Fat is a source of energy to the body.Saturated fats are precursors for cholesterol. Major sources of saturated fat are animal food-based products; beef, pork, and bacon, represent a few animal products that are high fat foods. Thank You and ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-types-of-foods-are-fatty-foods ]
More Answers to “What types of foods are fatty foods
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How do the different types of fat in foods affect my cholesterol …?
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What types of food contain omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids??
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Do you think that the types of foods you eat can make you lazy?
Q: I’ll use my family as an example (lol) now he can be verrrrry lazy and he has a horrible diet with lots of sugar and fats and I’m not innocent either although I don’t eat sugar very often just fried foods and I can be pretty lazy. my mother always watches what she eats and she’s not lazy. My grandmother never eats junk or fatty foods and has lots of energy as well as my dad. I don’t know, I just thought I saw a trend like with the way kids eat today and can be lazy (not saying adults are innocent) but I wonder if it’s linked. Haha maybe I’ll experiment and go on a health-food kick. what’s your experience and/or opinion?
A: I totally agree that an unhealthy diet can make you lethargic. Even eating too much at one sitting can do the same thing. Have you ever had too much to eat and you’re so full, all you can do is lay down and wait for your food to digest? I’ve also heard that a brisk walk after a meal helps your food digest faster, which would probably help in the lazy department.Also, my parents are pretty big health nuts, and they are currently on a 100% organic diet. They have noticed that they eat much more than they used to, partly because the food they eat is so natural and there are no preservatives. The food is digested much faster, thus you eat more. They also have more energy in the morning. They used to live off coffee every morning but have been able to wean themselves off it, with their new diet.
Why do fatty foods make me so gassy? Is it a type of food intolerance?
Q: Yes, it’s just fat, not dairy. It has developed over the past year or so.
A: It could be that your pancreas just doesn’t deal too well with really fatty food. Best to cut down, it aint that good for you anyway!
Can someone give me a definative list of foods to avoid with gall stones?
Q: I have been diagnosed with gall stones and I recently had an attack of billiary colic that I was hospitalised for. There seems to be no definitave list of triggers for an attack. I also want to know if alcohol exaccerbates this. Please dont just type “fatty foods” as I am looking for specifics.The triggers I have found are…..Chinese (sweet and sour especially)Pizza And Cheese in all forms
A: Include often – high fiber foods like wholegrains, legumes, bran, raw fruits and vegetables, especially apples and pears; low-fat yoghurt; eggs; fish. • Avoid all dairy products – see www.notmilk.com • Avoid foods that contain high counts of bacteria, fungi and viruses – these are all dairy products, preserved meats, delicatessen meats, hamburger meats, smoked meats, and processed or junk foods. This is because these foods will trigger or exacerbate gal bladder infections. • Avoid saturated animal fats including fatty meats, butter, cream, icecream, cheese, chocolate, biscuits, fried foods (most gallstones are composed of cholesterol found in animal fats); refined sugars and refined carbohydrates.• Include health fats such as cold pressed nut and seed oils and foods rich in essential fats such as cold water fish, avocados etc. Good fats are important for the health of the gall bladder. An extremely low fat/no fat diet is NOT recommended.• We also recommend that you avoid red meat for about three months• Avoid artificial sweeteners see www.dorway.com• Drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day – 8 – 10 glasses at least.Remember: Dairy products, margarine & deep fried foods are the worst thing for your gall bladder & liver!
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