What should I eat on a diet

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A healthy diet should include lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables and whole-wheat products. Choose fish, skinless chicken and turkey, egg whites for your protein requirements. Make sure to also exercise regularly. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-eat-on-a-diet ]
More Answers to “What should I eat on a diet
I have been on the Fletcherism diet for a little over 3 months and have lost 37 pounds. I chew eat bite 32 times and eat Lunch and supper only and have a mid afternoon snack about 3 pm and another one at 8:30 at night. Be sure to chew eat b…
The Dean Ornish diet allows you to eat as much of the following categories of foods as you want: beans and legumes, fruits, grains and vegetables. A person on the Dean Ornish diet may also eat limited quantities of non-fat dairy products an…
Your right, licorice is really not healthy for you because it is loaded with sugar. I don’t really believe in a lot of “snack bars” either. The main thing about being healthy/eating on a diet is creating your own snacks. A great s…

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How many eggs should a inactive teenager on diet eat a day/week at the max?
Q: I love eating eggs…I can eat like a dozen eggs a day eaily. The best part, the egg yolk!However, I am quite inactive, though I am trying to start being active. I am also seriously overweight and my BMI is around 28 now. Therefore, I am trying to increase my activity and diet at the same time.How many eggs should I limit myself to?
A: Eggs is a good source of protein. Protein is needed by the body for energy. However, you say that you are inactive, so having at least 2 eggs per week is enough.If you are on a diet, it’s okay for you to eat eggs because what you should avoid is too much carbohydrates. But if you really love eating eggs, try working up those muscles. Eggs is used as a diet of body builders you know.
What is the fastest way to loose weight? What food should I eat or a diet I should stick to?
Q: I was diagnosed by my OB a few weeks ago to be having a Poly Cystic Ovaries. One of the recommendations she has given me is to loose weight. I am following an exercise guide. Aside from exercise, how else could I trim down? What are the foods I should eat and be avoiding? is there a diet plan that could help? Thank You so much in advance!
A: Alice, my wife has the same problem, plus diabetes. She’s really having good results from a new program from an MD. The conventional medical people say it can’t work, but then, the truth is that most MDs and even dietitians don’t know much about nutrition. Sad, but true. THey are still working on theories propagated by the big food companies, rather than real research.Anyway, she’s almost off the insulin, and is losing weight, and feeling better. Here’s the program:http://www.drfurhman.comShe had very good success a few years back with another program, Body For Life, but our current circumstances make it very difficult for her to follow the exercise regime (no place for the weight machine!) However, it’s an excellent program if you have room for some weight equipment. (It doesn’t take MUCH room, but we are in a really small place right now.)http://www.bodyforlife.comI hope that helps! :)On another note, here’s something else for you:http://www.diffen.com/difference/Loose_vs_Lose
What should you eat if your on a diet and what not to eat on a diet ?
Q: I’m a simple girl i go to Walmart for grocery and i need to go on a diet but i don’t know what should i eat and shouldn’t eat ?
A: First of all, my best suggestion is to learn to eat healthy. That means understand the food pyramid, the food groups, the recommended servings, etc. (You can find all that info. on the web page below.) That is how you should eat for life! If you eat that way and have 3 small, healthy meals a day and 2 small, healthy snacks, you will lose weight. Each meal should be less than 400 calories and each snack should be about 100-150 calories. Eating highly nutritious foods is the key, so think in terms of lean protein, veggies, whole-grains, fruits, low-fat dairy, and heart-healthy oils.Healthy snacks to eat on the run:1)Fiber One bars (delicious, especially the chocolate and oats)2)Kashi TLC Trailmix bars (my personal favorites)3)Gnu Bars (have 12 grams of fiber in each one!)4)handful of almonds or walnuts or pistachio nuts (already shelled, of course)5)an apple cored and quartered and a little bit of peanut butter in a plastic container to dip it in.6)grapes, or a box of raisins7)string cheese or a wedge of Laughing Cow cheese, or an ounce of a hard cheese8)low-fat popcorn in a baggie9)baby carrots and a little hummus (in a plastic container)10) a couple of those “Ones Prunes”. They’re delicious!11)dried fruit12)whole-grain pretzels13)whole-grain crackers w/ peanut butter or cheese14)some cream cheese smeared on luncheon meat and then rolled up like a cigar15)a piece of dark chocolateBreakfast ideas:1)oatmeal and fruit, skim milk2)eggs (have you seen the recent research that says people who eat 2 eggs each morning lose more weight than those who don’t?) In a hurry, try hard-boiled eggs.3)whole-grained cereal, skim milk, fruit4)yogurt and fruit5)smoothie made in a blender with ice, skim milk, plain yogurt, banana, frozen berries (see recipes below)6) whole-grain toast with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter or soy butter7)whole-grain bagel with egg and a slice of 2% cheese8) protein bar a a glass of skim milk for the days when you’re on the runLunch or dinner ideas:Weight Watchers and Lean Cuisine frozen dinners are hard to beat. They can be ready in the microwave in 4 minutes on high (I never follow the package directions) and they really pretty delicious. Add a piece of fruit or small salad with diet dressing and you’re ready to go! One of my favorite things to eat on a diet is soup. There’s a lot of research out now that says soup is great for losing weight. I usually make a big pot of vegetable soup on Sunday and separate it into five containers for work. Add some whole-grain crackers and/or a piece of fruit. You could add brown rice or beans to the soup to make it even healthier. The website below has some easy and delicious soup recipes. Another thing I’ll do is make a big container of bean salad. I rinse different canned beans (garbanzo, black, kidney, etc.) and throw them together with cut up celery, carrots, bell peppers, 1 Tablespoon of olive oil and 4 Tablespoons of red wine vinegar. Toss in some salt, pepper, and garlic powder and let it “marinate” in the fridge for however long you want. I then take it a cup of it to work each day for a different lunch. You could add a small salad, fruit, whatever…Eat different combinations of lean protein, whole-grains, and veggies for dinner. Drink a glass of skim milk with dinner. Add a piece of fruit for dessert.Another option is to do a short-term “drastic diet” that is designed to last for 2 weeks max. This would take off the most weight rapidly. There are several on the site under “Diet Plans” but my favorite is the 5-4-3-2-1 diet. You get to pick what you eat, but you’re going to want to pick highly nutritious foods to keep your metabolism working efficiently. Again, the “eat healthy” page below can help you determine what highly nutritious foods are, if you need help with that. If you go on the short-term diet, then once it’s over, follow the guidelines on the “eat healthy” page. Make water your main source of hydration and save the sweet drinks (even diet) for special occasions. Eliminate as much salt and sugar from your diet as you can.The biggest component to fast weight loss is going to be your workout. You will want to make sure you do a good cardio workout every day for weight loss (3 times a week is sufficient to maintain health). . Think in terms of:Power walking, jogging, biking, skating, swimming laps, jumping rope, dancing, and jumping jacks.To make sure that you’re burning fat, you need to be sweating and huffing and puffing. In addition, do some good stretches and some strength training. You’ll find some really good information on the website, including about five pages of weight loss tips, printable weight loss journal pages, printable exercise log sheets, motivational ideas, healthy recipes, etc.Good luck!
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