What is trans fat and why is it bad for you

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is trans fat and why is it bad for you”,you can compare them.

Trans fats are harmful artificial fatty acids. They clog arteries, cause obesity, and increase blood pressure and bad cholesterol. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-trans-fat-and-why-is-it-bad-for-you ]
More Answers to “What is trans fat and why is it bad for you
Trans fat is a synthetically produced fat that is not found anywhere naturally. Food manufacturers,in an effort to mass produce, preserve, and add flavor to food chemically modify unsaturated fats to help solidify certain ingredients that w…
Trans Fat is also called Partially Hydrogenated Oil. It is not natural and is made and put in foods because it helps food stay fresher longer. Why is it bad? Your body actually does not know what to do with it, because it doesn’t recogni…
Trans fats, or trans fatty acids, are created when hydrogen is added to liquid vegetable oils, turning them into a solid, which makes the fat last longer and cost less. Trans fat raises your LDL (bad—think “lousy”) cholesterol and may lower…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is Trans Fat So Bad For You?
Q: I’ve always heard that trans fat is bad for you, and I’ve always tried to avoid it. But why exactly is it bad for you?
A: trans fat is chemically altered in the lab, and our bodies dont know how to break it down (digestion) or how to use it in our bodies. So, our bodies store the transfat (because it cant digest it), and once its stored, our body doesnt know how to use it and take it out from “storage” (stores up as fat). Eventually with exercise and diet, we can loose the weight, but it’s MUCH harder. Stay away from transfat!!!
Why is trans fat bad for people to consume?
A: To know the reason you have to know about some factors involved in this.The liver place’s the cholesterol into a package for the purpose of transport called lipoprotein, made from lipids and protein. There are mainly four kinds of lipoprotein namely chylomicrons,VLDL,LDL,HDL.All the three except HDL is called bad cholesterol.Trans fatty acids raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol level and also it raise lipoprotein (a) level, thus raising the risk factor of CVD.
Why is trans fat bad for you?
Q: how is it unhealthie?
A: Trans fat is very unhealthy,just like cholesterol.It appears to have very negative impacts on blood cholesterol levels. This increases the risk of coronary heart disease. A Harvard study found just 4 grams of trans fat a day doubled the risk of heart attack. Completely eliminating hydrogenated oils from your diet makes sense. Here’s more about trans fat,have a look – http://www.citytv.com/toronto/citynews/life/health/article/17747–why-are-trans-fats-bad-for-you
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