What is the orange diet and is it effective

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In the Orange Bowl Diet, portion control is a key to weight loss. Studies show that if you shift from a 12-inch dinner plate to a 10-inch dinner plate, that you could lose up to 18 pounds in one year. ChaCha Real Smooth Now! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-orange-diet-and-is-it-effective ]
More Answers to “What is the orange diet and is it effective
What is the orange diet and is it effective
In the Orange Bowl Diet, portion control is a key to weight loss. Studies show that if you shift from a 12-inch dinner plate to a 10-inch dinner plate, that you could lose up to 18 pounds in one year. ChaCha Real Smooth Now!

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Q: Well. I started following a protein diet – thus, you should eat only meat, eggs, cheese, and drink water. But on the next day I broke it by eating ice-cream, croissant and orange. The problem is that as soon as I started having this diet I became obsessed with my weight and whith WHAT i eat. When I ate my ice-cream I was ready to vomit! Moreover with each thing I eat I become furious about me and I’m ready to kill myself for each piece of bred. Is that normal, hm?PS Could you recommend any effective diet that would not turn my life to hell?
A: There’s a school of thought about dieting which goes something like this… your diet should be as close to what you plan on eating once you lose all the weight. Or as close as possible. Do you plan on living on only meat, cheese, and eggs the rest of your life ? I didn’t think so.So eat sensibly. Here’s a good plan of action:(1) Eat six small meals a day (around 250-300 calories) per meal. What should you eat during each meal ? Have a small portion of protein (lean meat, fish, chicken breast) and a carb (fruit or whole grain). For half those meals, add a veggie. Eating several times a day will help maintain your muscle mass, keep your blood sugar steady, and keep you from having cravings. (2) Get at least 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week. If you can, try to also add some weight training. The key isn’t where you start at when you train. If you can only walk slowly for 20 minutes at first, then do that. The key is gradually increase your distance/time/speed/intensity of your workout. That’s how you measure how well you are doing. True weight loss is gradual- the scale will move very slowly, but your gains in fitness will increase at a higher rate and will pay dividends in the long run.(3) Once a week, have a cheat meal. Eat whatever you want. This will help keep your metabolism higher. And don’t feel guilty about what you eaton your cheat meal. Eating right the rest of your life doesn’t mean watching what you eat at EVERY meal, it’s all about how you eat MOST of the time. Better for you to occasionally feast and not feel guity about it than to feel guilty every time you eat something which is “bad.” And having a cheat meal is good training for controling your eating once you are off the diet. By choosing when you will eat your cheat meal, you prove that you are in control of what you eat, not the other way around. It’s practice for when you are at your goal weight and its Thanksgiving or a party with lots of food. One “bad” meal isn’t going to break you…Live life…
Natural or effective remedies for betting the common cold flu?
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A: He should get the flu shot. I live in Nz too and have had two colds in the last month. I took cold and flu tablets and cleared it up real quick. If he had a better diet it would help. He needs to eat better and of course heaps of fluids. Cider vinegar and manuka honey or any honey would do is a effective drink for throats and chest but tastes pretty yuk….lol Good luck hope hes feeling better soon.
Are these vitimins and supliments ok for a 6 yr old?
Q: I was recomended to give my 6 yr old son the following vitimins and suppliments for eczema:all per day1 gram evening primrose oil1 gram EPA, from fish oilsSpirulina (dosage on bottle)10 mg zincVit E 400 IUVit C 2000-4000 mg Quercetin 500 mgSelenium 200 mcgThis info came from the book “Total Wellness”. From what i can tell the book recomends these amounts for adults (I just started it yesterday). What is a standard conversion for adult to child dosage? About half? I want to make sure he gets enough to be effective but not so much it is toxic.He is 60 lbs by the way.We have already taken wheat, dairy, eggs and oranges out of his diet.ThanksOk, to address the Dr. issue. I am currently looking for a holistic peditrition for my son. The the tradtional Drs have no clue about natural cures and want to put my child on more drugs that never worked in the first place. I am not going to give my child any of these without professional guidence, I would like to get a general idea of what others know.
A: I have been giving my children crushed flax seeds in their applesauce since they were 3 years old each (I have 3). I also give them Yummy Greens which is their vitamin, which contains spirulina and many other “green superfoods.” I have also given my oldest daughter Essential Fatty Acids (EPA’s) in liquid form, but I usually give a combination oil. Sometimes they contain fish oils, and evening primrose oil. But mostly flax oil, wheat germ oil, and borage oil.As for the Vit E, C, etc., I will not give my children any laboratory versions of vitamins because they can be toxic. For example – if you consume too much vitamin A, you could become very sick and even die from toxicity. If you drink carrot juice, your body converts beta carotene into vitamin A and if you already have enough, your body will stop converting and pee out what you don’t need. So, I give my children vegetable juice that I make fresh (carrots, spinach, celery) and sometimes add and apple for flavor. When they were little, they liked it if they didn’t see me make it.BTW, carrot juice is excellent for skin conditions. Little ones only need about 3-4 ounces to begin with.(As for vitamins, the body simply does not use the separated, synthetic vitamins the same way it can assimilate nutrients from whole foods. I included a website for you to look at as I can’t even begin to tell you why.)I also heard that people get skin problems when the immune system is sluggish. To boost the immune system, I give my children doses of goldenseal/echinicea 2-3 times a day for 5 days to boost their immune system when others around them are sick. Herbs are like food, not like drugs (even though drugs are based on some herbs). However, as with anything, all things in moderation. If you try these herbs that are considered antibiotics, use only for a few days then stop.Also, probiotics (good bacteria) strengthen the immune system. You can find these supplements for children. Most local health food stores have a children’s section these days.
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