What is the healthiest breakfast to eat

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Eggs and oatmeal would help you out a lot, i suggest you add it to your list. both are high in protein and oatmeal has high fiber. ChaCha On! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-healthiest-breakfast-to-eat ]
More Answers to “What is the healthiest breakfast to eat
What is a healthy breakfast to eat?
Oatmeal/Porridge wirth berries. Wholegrain toast with 2 poached eggs Weetabix or shredded wheat and raisons Or yogurt with dried fruit and granola. Don’t fall for the Special K scam. It’s loaded with sugar and salt. All cereals are ‘low fat…
How to Eat Healthy Breakfasts
Many of us don’t have time to make or sit down for an extended breakfast. This is the healthy breakfast I eat nearly every day that provides an excellent dose of morning energy. In my opinion,…
What’s the healthiest thing to eat for breakfast??
You can try different grain flakes: wheat, barley, rye, spelt… and steel cut oats or buckwheat for some variety. Mix them up too. I don’t like dairy products so I use Soy milk in mine. Also, I always add cinnamon and coconut, sometimes va…

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Q: I’m thinking of eating an oatmeal and a yogurt every morning.Never been a breakfast person, but going to start.Can you advise me on a good healthy instant oat meal and a yogurt?Also, should I use soy milk instead of 1% milk? I heard soy milk has a lot of sugar.Thank you.
A: Oatmeal and yoghurt sound pretty good. The only thing i’d reccomend is to try getting a serving of fruit in there. – 250mL juice- 1/4 cup dried fruit- 1/2 cup berries- 1 medium fruit A good instant oatmeal i’d reccomend would be the “kashi” oatmeal brand, or the “quacker reduced sugar, or weight control” instant oatmeal.Most yoghurts are good. Try to buy one which contains probiotics such as- dan active, activia, etc.. Try lowfat yoghurt. 1% milk you’d be better off with. Personally I hate the taste of soymilk. Go with the real stuff! Hope i’v helped, and best of luck!
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Q: I know most things wont be healthy at all but if i had to have that on a trip one day for breakfast whats the healthiest thing to get?
A: Yogurt and Fruit Parfait.With apple or orange juice!
If your always on the go, what would be the healthiest breakfast you can eat?
Q: I am ALWAYS in a rush in the morning and in the past havent been to commited to eating breakfast, however i want to start being healthy and giving my body proper nutrition. I heard on a radio station about Carnation Good start? Is this good? any other recommendations?
A: there is this great tasting oatmeal that only takes 90 seconds in the micro…if you like oakmeal….a piece of fruit is good…..prepare a sandwich with left over meat from the night before…fat free yougurt is good……protein shakes are better than that carnation stuff…..there are also the protein bars or whole grain bars
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