What is the best way to curb your appetite

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best way to curb your appetite”,you can compare them.

Eating hot food, food with a lot of fiber, chewing gum, and drinking water can curb your appetite in a healthy manner. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-curb-your-appetite ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to curb your appetite
What is the best way to curb an APPETITE?
Chew gum or drink water
What’s the best way to curb my appetite?
David L. Katz, MD, is an associate professor of public health at Yale University. Submit questions to [email protected]
What is the best effective way to curb your appetite??
tablets sound ok the packet will have directions as to how many are recommended. Cost is also an important fact as may be better to take fibre granules. They have a slight acidic taste and are mixed with water to take. Exercise is also very…

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Q: Trying to lose a few lbs at the moment and I am not dieting as such, just eating healthy.I am hungry all the time…help!!
A: Don’t listen to Subj. Studies (Georgia State University, if you’d like to verify) have proven that people who eat 5-6 times a day keep their metabolism up and lose weight faster than people who eat one, two or three large meals a day. When you eat two or three large meals a day, it causes a spike in insulin levels, which can cause your body to convert what you eat into fat.Eat balanced meals, and have a healthy snack every 2-3 hours. Snacking helps keep your metabolism up and your body will burn the calories you take rather than store them.Healthy snacks include:Nuts such as almondsfruits and veggiesoatmealberries (excellent source of vitamins and antioxidants)peanut butterwhole wheat bread and crackersgreen leafy veggies
What is the best natural way to curb your appetite when dieting?
A: Pacifier
What is the best way to curb your appetite and eat a little less?
A: Fill up on water.
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