What is the best diet tip

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best diet tip”,you can compare them.

The best diet tip is to drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-diet-tip ]
More Answers to “What is the best diet tip
What is the best diet tip?
Eat like the Asians! Eat natural, simple foods and you’ll attain a healthy weight. Calories don’t matter, and counting them will lead you to foods you should not have (e.g. diet coke). The average person in China has between 25-40% more cal…
Which diet is best for you? diet tips.
The diet that’s best for you is the diet that is developed for you by a professional. The next best is an individualized plan that takes into account several circumstances that are common for a group of people.
Can you share your best dieting tip or trick?
Just because I lost weight, doesn’t mean that I don’t have an appetite anymore. Around 4 p.m. every afternoon I am famished, so I chug 20 ounces of water so I don’t snack before dinner. If 20 minutes after drinking the water I am still hung…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is the best diet or diet tip you would give?
Q: what is the most successful diet you have tried, or diet tip you would give?
A: I lost 40 ilbs in the past year. Slow and steady is the key. Eat healthy, its not a diet its a life style change. Lots of veggies! Lots of fruit and lean protein. My tip for when you just feel like snacking but your not hungry drink water. Just sip it. I also drink a 16oz bottle of water before every meal so that way it kind of fills me up. I was in the army and they teach you to eat fast….thats not a good thing when you want to lose weight. It should take you about 20 min to eat a meal. Once you feel satisfied stop eating!!!
what do u do to resist a binge and what is your best diet tip?
Q: i dont care if the diet tip is unhealthy, i just need to lose about 20lbs in a short space of time. it doesnt matter if i put it back on again
A: chew gum and drink a ton of waterit keeps the hunger pains at bay
What is the best diet tip you know?
A: Drink lots of fluids (good ones like water or milk) before eating & it will fill the stomach & then when you try to eat you will already be almost full. But make sure what you do eat is very good for you, as you will only have room for small amounts of food.JTM&AB
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