What is Max Muscle and what does it do

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Max Muscle is a sports supplement company that helps customers build muscle and/or lose weight. They also have magazines that aid with healthy weight loss. Cha cha later! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-max-muscle-and-what-does-it-do ]
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Can any of you give me a “max benefit” weight training schedule to burn fat and gain muscle?
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A: Ok, so you want to maximize your muscle growth and you want to allow your muscles to recover, but you want to work out every day and you want to train your muscle groups twice a week. You wouldn’t believe how ridiculous this sounds to anyone that has at least some knowledge and experience about gaining muscle.Let me start with clearing something up, however you might find it hard to believe gaining muscle is more about proper nutrition and rest, then it is about living in the gym. We only use gym to stimulate our muscles to grow, and you need to be very careful because too much of gym time will seriously hurt your progress. But lets start with what you do in the gym…You should go no less, no more then 3 times a week, separating muscle groupings like this:DAY 1 – Chest, Shoulders, TricepsDAY 2 – RestDAY 3 – Back, Biceps, ForearmsDAY 4 – RestDAY 5 – Legs, AbsDAY 6 – Rest DAY 7 – RestI can go on and on about sets, reps, exercises, but the key to remember is to keep sets and reps low (2 max 3 sets per exercise, and 5-7 reps). Start with a compound exercise (chest-bench press, back – rows or deadlifts, legs – squats) where you can use the most weight and hit at once several muscle groupings. Your exercises need to be intense, you wrote legs, arms and abs… After a proper leg workout youl have problems remembering your name and yet you would still workout arms and abs, ridiculous. The key to building muscle in gym is intensity and progression. Intensity means your weight must be a challenge, or to be precise it should be heavy enough so you can lift about 5 reps but no more then 7,8 in proper form. Progression means you need to keep conquering new weights every week/two weeks/month, you need to keep a workout diary where you will clearly see “oh this month im lifting 15lbs more then last month”, because thats the only clear sign of success. And muscle will not grow if you keep lifting the same weight.However all of this comes third after proper nutrition and rest. You need to supply your body with constant nourishment, eating 5-7 protein rich meals every day (each meal needs to have protein). If you are not eating more calories then you spend and if there is a lack of protein in your body your muscles simply will not grow, no matter how much you work yourself in the gym. Also if your not getting enough sleep, or if you are working muscles that are already damaged (overtraining) you will suffer slower or no progress at all. Building muscle, getting a strong and muscular body is no easy feat mind you, many fail during the process, and most give up. It requires ALOT of hardwork both in and out of the gym. So if you think its a walk in the park, think again, but if you are devoted to the goal, just like in life, you will get there.I probably missed a lot of important things, its hard to remember everything about this as this is such a big field of information to pass on, but for any specific info, you are always free to mail me.
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