What is limewater

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Limewater -noun: 1 aqueous solution of slaked lime, used in medicine 2 water containing naturally alot of calcium carbonate ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-limewater ]
More Answers to “What is limewater
What is limewater
Limewater is a calcium hydroxide solution that occurs when the lime, calcium oxide, is dissolved in water.
Why limewater turns cloudy?
Lime water is nothing but a solution of Calcium oxide in water. Calcium oxide reacts exothermically with water to form calcium hydroxide. The solution of Calcium Hydroxide is initially clear. However, due to reaction with atmospheric carbon…
Why remove the limewater solution first?
The heat from the burner raises the pressure in the reaction vessel (test tube) and forces gas to bubble through the limewater. This will cause the pressure in the vessel to equilbrate with the atmospheric pressure at the elevated temperatu…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: Can limewater be used as in indicator in some reactions?ok thanks!
A: Yes. Lime water is a pure calcium hydroxide solution. Hydroxides react with acids to form salts. If you blow CO2 through the lime water it forms carbonic acid which reacts immediately to form calcium carbonate. As it is practically insoluble in water the lime water turns milky. So it is a reagent for CO2.
Carbon dioxide gives milky color with limewater due to the formation of which of the following?
Q: Carbon dioxide gives milky color with limewater due to the formation of which of the following?A) CaOB) CaCO3C) Ca(OH)2D) Ca(HCO3)2
A: B)Calcium carbonate precipitates according to the reaction equation:Ca(OH)₂(aq) + CO₂(g) → CaCO₃(s)↓ + H₂O
To make masa for corn tortillas, you cook the corn in limewater. How can I easily make limewater? Is this just?
Q: Is this just water with lime juice or do I need something more?NOTE: I can NOT buy masa harina where I live or I wouldn’t be asking this question. I want to make my own masa for corn tortillas. So I need to know how to make limewater!
A: my grandma used to make these when i was little and i’ve never heard of limewater before heres her recipe:2 cups of maseca (CORN FLOUR) 2 cup of water, tsp salt, mixitup, make the little balls and squish it then cook it in a pan like 30 sec. and turn it. don’t let it get hard because supposed to be soft tortilla.Masa Harina is differnt, it’s not made of cornunless your going way back and grinding the corn yourself, which is pretty hard to do if you’ve never done it before.
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