What is healthier, Tofu or meat

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is healthier, Tofu or meat”,you can compare them.

7day records showed the 2 were similar in energy, macronutrients and fiber. Total cholesterol was lower on tofu than meat. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-healthier%2C-tofu-or-meat ]
More Answers to “What is healthier, Tofu or meat
Are TOFU and Fake Meat bad for you? Is tempeh the only healthy me…?
Well if you eat to much soy and fake meat then it is bad for you. Tempeh is really good for you because it has more protein, dietary fiber and vitamins compared to tofu.
Why is tofu healthy? can it really subtitute meat? like the nutri…?
Tofu is healthy because it maintains the levels of good cholesterol, HDLs, and therefore lowers the LDLs, bad cholesterol. Tofu is made from curdling soya milk, it is high in protein, calcium, and has vitamin B, so yes it can substitute mea…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

TOFU? Is tofu HEALTHIER than meat??
Q: My Husband bought some tofu burritos and now wants me to start eating them. He says that tofu is healthier than meat. Is that true? How is it healthier? I mean.. if he was a vegetarian I can understand him wanting to eat tofu but we eat meat all the time ..so is tofu a better choice and why? Thanks! 🙂
A: Tofu IS healthier, but there’s nothing wrong with extra-lean meat either:) You should have some red meat (in moderation) each week to get the complex proteins and amino acids in there. I’d be more concerned with the tortillas that the burritos are wrapped in – especially if they’re fried! Tofu is good and we eat it too, but it’s no substitute for the taste of meat:)
Is tofu healthier than meat?
Q: I am wondering if tofu is healthier than meet. In what sense is it healthier. What are some helathy recipes for tofu?
A: Absolutely yes.Despite what people think, meat is not healthy at all. One recent study showed people that women who eat two servings of meat per day were almost twice as likely to get cancer as those who only ate 1 serving.The higher up the food chain you eat, the more unhealthy it is, that’s because toxins are stored in animal fat cells, so while you may only be getting a small amount of toxins from vegetables, the vegetables an animal eats collects so you get a more concentrated amount.Worse, if you eat the meat of a carnivore, they get an even higher dose.Will you fall over and die from eating meat? no, but it will shorten our life span, increase your chances for every disease, and make the ones you do get more severe.PS: I’m a meat eater and a dabbling nutritionist
TOFU? Is Tofu really HEALTHIER than meat??
Q: My Husband bought some tofu burritos and now wants me to start eating them. He says that tofu is healthier than meat. Is that true? How is it healthier? I mean.. if he was a vegetarian I can understand him wanting to eat tofu but we eat meat all the time ..so is tofu a better choice and why? Thanks! 🙂
A: people say it is…but i don’t see how.i have tried to eat that crap and it is just too nasty for me.and not all meat is bad for you.red meat is, that’s why you should reduce eating it to about once or twice a week tops.but white meat (pork, chicken) is actually very good for you
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