What is a healthy weight for a 16 year old girl

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a healthy weight for a 16 year old girl”,you can compare them.

A healthy weight also depends on your height. If you send your height we can tell you what a healthy weight range is. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-healthy-weight-for-a-16-year-old-girl ]
More Answers to “What is a healthy weight for a 16 year old girl
110,115,120 your weight should be around somthing like that
Doctors and nutritionists are the ideal person who would be able to help with the weight of a human body. A 16 yr old girl who would be 5’4″ tall is preferred to maintain a weight between 110 – 144 pounds and the BMI between 20-24. Man…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What would you say is the most weight a 16 year old girl can lose in a year whilst remaining healthy?
Q: Basically over the last year I have only lost 45lb over the last year, and I am quite disappointed at that, I think I could have done better.So what do you think is a good healthy amount of weight for a 16 year old girl to lose in a year.Thank you.
A: You should be proud of yourself. Losing weight is hard. If it was easy there wouldn’t be so many questions on it. As long as you are losing weight steadily and have a healthy weight for a goal, you are doing good.The most you should lose and stay healthy is 2 lbs per week. So 104 lbs per year. Those are numbers for an adult though. You should probably check with your doctor before trying to do anything too drastic.
Healthy weight for a 16 year old girl?
Q: I am 5’8 and 16 years old. How much is my ideal weight?
A: It’s hard to come up with just one number. It depends on several factors. Do you have a naturally bigger or smaller frame? How much of your weight is muscle? Depending on your frame, a height/weight chart would suggest anything between 126 and 167 pounds, which is a big range. And more if you’re athletic and have a lot of muscle. Muscle keeps you healthier, and gives you a trimmer, and better looking figure, but weighs more than fat. Which is why the number on the scale isn’t that useful by itself; you need to look more at the overall state of your body.
What is the approximate average height and weight for a healthy 16 year old girl?
Q: Also what size clothes and bra size?
A: There isn’t really an average, because they come from different DNA. But I am seventeen, 5’1″, 22 inch waist, 103lbs. I usually wear a zero in jeans and X-small to small in tops, 32D bra.
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