What foods make you smarter

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Foods That Increase Brain Health are red cabbage, healthy fats, tomatoes, ginger, beans, legumes, soy, berries, walnuts, egg yolks, rosemary, and avocados. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-foods-make-you-smarter ]
More Answers to “What foods make you smarter
What foods make you smarter?
There are no specific foods that, if you eat them, you become X-amount smarter. The way food affects your “smartness” is by nutrition. If you eat healthy food and drink enough water every day, your brain gets everything it needs t…
Who is the smartest person?
According to Wikipedia and several other sources, Kim Ung-yong has an IQ of 210 (100 is average and 140+ is genius level). IQ is not always the best indicator of intelligence, however.
What are some foods that make you smarter?
Yes, the food that makes me smarter is dried seaweed. Sounds gross, but it is delicious too! Heres what the experts say: 10 Foods That Increase Brain Health 1. Red cabbage. The anthocyanins in red cabbage not only improve brain function, th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What foods can make you smarter?
Q: I’m in college and I need all the brain power I can foster. What’s a good diet to follow to help me stay focused and awake longer. Is there anything I should stay away from?
A: Blueberries are a known “brain food.” Stay away from highly starchy or sugary foods as they can give you a temporary sugar high but won’t help with long term alertness or feelings of well-being. I would also recommend exercising at least twice a week for about an hour each session. That will boost your energy level and give you clarity of mind. I’m a student as well, and these things work for me.Good Luck!
Are there certain foods you can eat to make you smarter?
Q: i’ve been feeling kind of slow for the past few days so i was just wondering if it has to do with my diet.. ?
A: for each person certain foods can make you dull and lethargic–it’s a process of elimination finding them but well worth it–certain foods can enhance your mood but again trial and error–i found fresh fish makes me euphoric almost —good luck–don’t give in it’s worth persevering–it’ll last a lifetime
Are there certain foods that can be eaten during pregnancy to make baby smarter or healthier?
A: They say that babies born to moms who had a lot of DHA (the omega fatty acids) in their diet when they were pregnant have higher IQ’s (they, meaning my friends who’ve had babies, and also my dr.)You can buy prenatal vitamins that have DHA in them. You can also get DHA from fish (make sure it’s safe, no mercury, etc.), nuts, some vegetables, and other healthy protein sources.The best way for me to get it was to just buy the prenatal vitamin that already had DHA… they do cost a little more than regular prenatals though.
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