What energy drinks have taurine in them

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Following are some energy drinks with taurine in them: Whynatte, BooKoo Zero Carb Energy Drink, Adina, Crunk Berry Energy MORE?! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-energy-drinks-have-taurine-in-them ]
More Answers to “What energy drinks have taurine in them
What is taurine, in energy drinks?
It’s an amino acid. You can take it in pill form, or powder. I take the powder mixed with juice. It doesn’t cause a burst of energy or anything… in fact, if anything it creates relaxation. “Taurine in the pharmaceutical and lab setti…
Is taurine slipping out of energy drinks?
Manufacturers of energy drinks are less frequently including the ingredient taurine in their new product launches, according to the latest post-market statistics.
What is taurine,found in most energy drinks?
The thought that taurine is bull semen is a common misconception. It was actually first discovered in ox bile in 1827. Essentially, it is a type of amino acid. It actually doesn’t have much of an ‘energizing’ effect, technically. Read more …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how is taurine in energy drinks different than taurine in Weight gainers and Protein powders?
Q: I heard taurine was bad and it was in energy drinks..surprsingly enough i read the label of my prtein powder and it has arginine and taurine in it…the taurine in my protein powder is only about 100mg..i thinkwhy its bad? because it comes from a bull’s bile…aka crap
A: Currently, there is no evidence taurine is bad. What is said is that there isn’t enough data with high dosage levels to know what the effects are, whether positive or negative. Taurine has been noted to have a positive effect on certain physiological functions, though these effects are simply correlary and are not fully understood.The taurine in energy drinks is no different than what’s found in supplements and foods. What does occur, however, is that taurine is more quickly absorbed from beverages than foods. In spite of manufacturer claims, there is also no evidence taurine increases energy levels.Taurine used for consumption is synthetically produced, not harvested from animals in any way.
Taurine is found in many energy drinks. Is it a stimulant like caffeine? What foods have taurine in them?
Q: does anyone know what is a good suggested daily amount of taurine? The web has much conflicting info on taurine, but if anyone knows answers to my questions, I appreciate it.
A: There is currently no suggested daily amount to be taken of Taurine by the FDA. The probable reason for this is because there is not enough research on this drug to prove of any known advantages to our health. But that is not to say that there are not ‘suggested advantages’. The main statement I have heard of the benefits of inducing Taurine, is that related to height issues. Many claim that a daily dose of Taurine ‘may’, may being the key word, help your body to grow much more than it would without the drug in your system. But there is no information to prove this statement true. I have a bottleof Taurine with me right now, and on there is no information on the bottle regarding benefits; all it says is ‘amino acid supplement’. So Taurine may have some sort of dealing with muscle growth. But this I do not know. I wish I could tell you more, but little is known about Taurine as it is.
I’ve found out there is some REALLY BAD stuff in energy drinks so will you still drink them?
Q: I have recently looked up all the fancy nutrition facts on the back of energy drink bottles and found some shocking evidence. People say eating too many BIg Macs can kill you, but you might as well drink an energy drink. McDonalds fries are really salty but the amount of salt in an energy drink is equal to about 5 large packages of fries from McD’s!!!!! That is disgusting and I will never drink one again!!! And there is bull urine in energy drinks , taurine (www.reference.com) That is no myth it is a fact and I have looked it up!!!!!! So will you still drink them?
A: no, never have. Did my research when they first came out. People are just sheep falling for the marketing hype.
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