What does taking niacin do to the body

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Niacin is a B vitamin. It occurs naturally in plants and animals, and is also added to many foods as a vitamin supplement. It is used to lower cholesterol and triglycerides and sometimes treat coronary artery disease. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-taking-niacin-do-to-the-body ]
More Answers to “What does taking niacin do to the body
Can taking Niacin rid your body of THC?
THC is stored in fat cells. Niacin would do nothing to change that.
How much niacin does one take to flush xanax out of the body??
Niacin does not “flush” anything out. Flushing (redness) is a side effect of the drug. For those of you who don’t understand that, you shouldn’t be taking Xanax illegally in the first place.
Would taking an excess of a fat burning pill rid my body of thc i…?
Don’t mess around with those non-FDA approved pharms in excess, they can cause fatal heart attacks. If you’re trying to detox, go with cranberry juice and a niacin flush, and maybe do lots of physical exercise. Still can’t promise you much …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

In the theory of drugs, when taking niacin, does it really help to clean out your body to pass a U.A.?
A: Niacin is not a definitive way to pass a UA. It rarely works and is not worth it in the end. You’d be better off taking aspirin, which has been proven more effective.The amount of niacin you have to take to affect a drug screening puts you at huge risk for overdose depending on your body type and puts you at risk of many horrible conditions. (arrhythmias and hyperglycemia)
Does Niacin work for cleasing your body quickly, and how do you use it?
Q: I need to know if niacin detoxifies your body. How long it takes, and how to use it properly to make it work.
A: yes i have done it mant times..it helps because it is a fat burner and marijuana store itself in fat…….dont listen ti idiots
Can taking Niacin rid your body of THC?
Q: thanks for any info.
A: THC is stored in fat cells. Niacin would do nothing to change that.
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