What does soy do for the body

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Soy reduces total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. Isoflavones in soy may inhibit the breakdown of bones. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-soy-do-for-the-body ]
More Answers to “What does soy do for the body
What does soy milk do for your body?
It’s all a lie. There are no studies to prove that Soy Milk decreases testoserone or increases female estrogen. This is just another way of the idiot masses to promote unhealthy living. I drink Soy Milk everyday. It provides Omega 3’s, calc…
Does Soy Milk help the body develop?
Soy milk is much better for you then drinking the breast milk intended for baby cattle. — All breast milk has estrogen in it. — Eggs have estrogen in them. — All meat from female animals has estrogen in it — Meat from male animals has s…
How Soy is Broken Down in the Body
When soybeans are processed, the excitotoxic amino acids (glutamate and aspartate) are not only released, they are concentrated. This is especially so in soy protein isolates and soy protein concentrates-which are used in soy milk. This mea…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does soy milk help the body? It is true that soy milk has a higher level of uric acid?
A: This is just one of thousands of hits I got on uric acid and soy products and other foods that contain high concentrations of uric acid. The abstract is from the “Americal Journal of Clinical Nutrition”. http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/content/abstract/53/3/665?ck=nckI’m sure there will be stupid veggie-heads pooh, poohing the credentials of respected scientists–there always are those extremists. They are “experts” in everything. But who gives a damn what they say.Uric acid contributes to the formation of kidney stones, arthritis, and gout among other illnesses. That is why a well-balanced moderate diet is the healhtiest for you.Here’s another article I think is really good and well-balanced in that he talks about the downside of meat eating as well as the problem with soy: http://www.rense.com/health/soyitisntso.htm I love this quote: “There is another problem associated with most of the soy products in the marketplace and that is its bulk. A healthfood researcher of my acquaintance once asked a public coroner if he saw a difference in the bodies of vegetarians versus meat eaters. The coroner responded that yes. Vegetarians who ate soy beans had a prolapsed colon from all the soy cellulose.”
What does soy milk do for your body?
Q: ??
A: Soy milk , often fortified very well, gives a person the same nutrients and then some, as milk does without having to drink milk.More recent studies have shown that soy doesn’t particularly have an added health benefit other than the fact that it is a healthier replacement for products that are high in saturated fats. This is true for the milk as it is true for all soy products. It’s almost like a “free” protein, in so much that you have all the benefits of a protein without the downfalls. Soy milk is particularly beneficial to those who are lactose intolerant and/or do not drink cow’s milk for religious, health, or moral reasons. Vegans do not ingest animal products or byproducts whatsoever, so the nutrients found in soy milk are especially important to them.Soy milk, and other soy products, are not a magic bullet that has amazing curative properties or anything like that. It’s just a healthier alternative.
Does Soy Milk help the body develop?
Q: Whether for young women or men. I’ve heard of it having estrogen in it. I just started drinking it because I’d heard of the many health benefits and I am lactose intolerant. I drink 2-3 cups a day.
A: Soy milk is much better for you then drinking the breast milk intended for baby cattle. — All breast milk has estrogen in it. — Eggs have estrogen in them. — All meat from female animals has estrogen in it– Meat from male animals has some, but to a lesser extent. — All fruit has estrogen in it. — Most veggies, beans, seeds, nuts and grains have estrogen in them. — Mushrooms don’t have any estrogen, because they don’t reproduce sexually. Do you see what I’m getting at here? Stop reading the meat/dairy industry propaganda about soy.
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