What can i eat to get the most energy

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What can i eat to get the most energy”,you can compare them.

Here are some suggestions: Blueberries, Beans, Cantaloupe, Strawberries, Mango, Spinach, Salmon, Nuts, Tea, Tomatoes, Soy, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-i-eat-to-get-the-most-energy ]
More Answers to “What can i eat to get the most energy
What should I eat to get energy?
Drink a glass of water,wait 5 minutes then have two table spoons of honey.Hold it in your mouth for at least a minute before you swallow it.Apples will wake you up better than a cup of coffee so have an apple as well.Try this and you’ll be …
How do you get energy from the food you eat?
Basically, your body turns food into energy, CO2 and small amount of water. A fire does the same thing. In fact, they determine how many calories are in food by burning the food to see how much heat it produces. Your body uses the same ener…
What can i eat to get lots of energy before training??
Fats give you the most energy per gram, however foods rich in carbohydrates are what you should eat. It releases about 4kcal/gram of energy (much less than fat), however, it’s quicker for your muscles to access.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the lightest thing to eat with the most energy?
Q: I have a tournament tomorrow and i am at my exact weight, meaning i cant eat much untill i weigh in tomorrow morning. What is the lightest thing to eat but has the most energy?
A: Apple?People always tell me an apple will give me more energy then a coffee will!
What can I eat before I exersize to give me the most energy(no cooking)?
Q: I want to know if there is anything I can eat or drink before I exersize that will give me the most energy. Maybe like a protein shake? Just anything that doesnt require cooking. thanks
A: Try protein shakes that include not just protein but some carbohydrates as well. I like to mix in a banana. Be sure to allow yourself at least 30 minutes to digest before you start a strenuous workout.
Can I eat energy bars without gaining weight?
Q: I like to eat power bars and luna bars before or after a workout for energy. Is this okay, or will it cause me to gain weight?
A: People are so strange about protein. They think it’ll make them get huuuuge. No. It won’t. In fact, most straight-protein powders (like 100% whey or 100% casein) have FEWER calories and LESS fat and LESS sugar than even a Slim Fast shake. I just wouldn’t eat an energy bar after a workout because I’m looking for quick-absorbing protein.
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