What are ways to prevent getting sick

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What are ways to prevent getting sick”,you can compare them.

Eat foods from all food groups, limit TV time, drink water and milk, be active, and take vitamin C tablets. ChaCha!!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-ways-to-prevent-getting-sick ]
More Answers to “What are ways to prevent getting sick
Are there any ways to prevent from getting car sick??
Take Dramamine or Gravol or an Antihistamine before you travel. It might make you a little sleepy. I think there are non-drowsy kinds, but they still make some people tired.
What are some ways to prevent one from getting sick??
wash ur hands, take vitamins, stay away from sick people, eat healthy, and dont make- out
What are the best ways to prevent getting sick?
Wash hands often with soap and water, or if they’re not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer. The hand sanitizer should contain at least 60 percent isopropyl or ethanol alcohol. Run your hands together for about 20 seconds to smear t…

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What are some ways to prevent getting sick?
Q: My whole family is somewhat sick except for me. I am in a play and I can’t get sick for the show (which is this Friday). What are some ways to prevent getting sick?
A: 1. Wash your hands after using the bathroom, or if you touch a an animal.2. Clean regularly (showers, etc.)3. Hand sanitizer really helps (it can help kill a lot of the millions of germs on your hands).4. Don’t skip meals, because then your immune system can’t function right.5. Vitamin C is the best thing to prevent diseases, such as the comm
Are there any ways to prevent from getting car sick?
Q: I was wondering if there were any ways to prevent getting car sick. I don’t really get sick that bad. I just get nauseous. Any ideas?
A: Take Dramamine or Gravol or an Antihistamine before you travel. It might make you a little sleepy. I think there are non-drowsy kinds, but they still make some people tired.
What are some ways to prevent one from getting sick?
Q: List a few ( a lot) of effective ways to prevent one from getting a cold.Thanks!
A: wash ur hands, take vitamins, stay away from sick people, eat healthy, and dont make- out
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