What are the side effects of smoking pcp

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Users of PCP report memory loss, difficulties with speech and learning, depression, and weight loss. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-side-effects-of-smoking-pcp ]
More Answers to “What are the side effects of smoking pcp
What are the effects of smoking crystal pcp?
Their brain stem starts to look like swiss cheese and they begin to talk in riddles as their thought processes get scrambled and rewired. The old pathways get fried. Pity your friend. He needs help badly. My friend ended up taking his own l…
Will the effects of smoking pcp feel like schizophrenia and what …?
Its hard to say, mostly because the effects of PCP havent really been documented or studied, but from what ive heard it can have severe long term after effects and also has tendencies like schizophrenia also a underground acid-rapper Big Lu…

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Ok-so why don’t we just legalize marijuana already?
Q: I’m sure this question has been overasked already–but I had to stoke the fire some more.OK so pot is easy to get ahold of, anyone who wants to can smoke it pretty much. The side effects are minimal or at least no much more so than like smoking cigarettes. Well ok it impairs your judgment, but so does alcohol.So why not legalize it and let Marlboro put out little packs of “cigaweed”. The government could put restrictions on it like they do with tobacco, tax the ever living piss out of it, and make a killing.People nigh unto death or hurting from some terminal illness could now have a cheap and legal way to cope–and they would pass on with a smile on their face–now what’s wrong with that??I’m not saying we should legalize all drugs because I saw a CSI episode where two kids toked up on PCP and ate a cheerleader, now I sure don’t want people to be able to buy that crap at the local 7-11!But pot should be OK, right?
A: Yeah they SHOULD legalize it, but they won’t, and the only reason is because the government can’t figure out a way to make money off of it because it’s so easy to grow and manufacture yourself. But i’ve actually come up with a logical way of going about that. Since legalization is all about the greedy government, every year when we file our taxes their should be something on there that you check that says i am a marijuana user and some of your tax money goes to the government, that’s one way of going about it, and that would only work if marijuana was made legal but it still wasn’t sold in stores…like if it was made legal for you yourself to grow and smoke but not distribute. Another way to go about it is legalize it, sell it in stores, put an age limit on it, just like with tobacco and alcohol, but make it illegal to grow yourself and manufacture, that way the government is still making their money off arresting ppl that deal pot through the black market. But if pot was made legal to sell in stores i damn sure wouldn’t be buying off the street…lol. See the government is making money right now off of it being illegal because of all the busts and arrests they pull. But yeah, it definately should be legalized. More people die from cancer, drunk driving and liver disease every year and yet alcohol and cigarettes are legal and pot isn’t. when’s the last time you heard someone wrecking, killing innocents in the process because he was really high…hell if every one smoked pot there would be no more road rage, no more crazy wrecks…things would go a lot more smoothly….oh yeah and Willie Nelson should be president….
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