What are the health benefits of cilantro

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Cilantro is known to be rich in phytonutrients, flavonoids and active phenolic acid compounds, all of which are good for you.More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-health-benefits-of-cilantro ]
More Answers to “What are the health benefits of cilantro
What are the health benefits of cilantro?
There are a great many benefits of fresh cilanrto as there are with other fresh herbs. Remember that virtually all things crated by God are for our benefit, we just have to know how to use them. Here are a few of the main benefits of Cilant…
How to Get the Health Benefits of Cilantro
・ 1 Cilantro is not a spice most people fall in love with the first time they try it. Its potent peppery… ・ 2 One of the compelling health benefits of cilantro is the fact that this herb may have the ability to… ・ 3 Another health benef…
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

A: Phosphorous in high doses? That’s an odd one… what makes you think you need supplemental phosphorous? This micronutrient is very easily absorbed and fairly ubiquitous (ie: it’s in just about everything!)Phosphorous does play a role in every metabolic reaction in the body and is important for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and protein for proper growth and production of energy. And it’s an important component in maintaining the balance between calcium and magnesium. Even plays a role in bone density.But it’s a delicate balance! And I would only VERY RARELY recommend supplementing with phosphorous.Cilantro… (Coraindrum sativum) is mostly a culinary herb. Mostly, it’s medicinal properties relate to helping with digestion. It is a carminative – that means it helps break up gas bubbles in the intestines, so will help with cramping pains cause by gas, and will help prevent flatulence. It will also have some very mild diuretic properties. – – again, not an herb I’d generally prescribe, unless in the form of a yummy recipe! 🙂
any cilantro experts out there?
Q: does anyone know the health benefits to eating cilantro? and does it have any weight-loss benefits.?
A: Go here: http://www.playamayanews.com/health/the_health_benefits_of_cilantro_aka_coriander.htmlI would have copied and pasted, but it’s pretty long.
Can you crush cilantro leaves, put them in water, and drink it to avoid tasting it?
Q: i have heard numerous times the many good health benefits of eating it ? So is it ok to consume it this way?
A: I grow my own cilantro and love the taste in small doses. Every summer and fall I make various salsas. I almost always put cilantro in.I am strange, though. I like to eat or chew raw basil, mint, cilantro, and parsley . . . especially if I’ve grown it myself.
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