What are the characteristics of a possessed person

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Changes in sleep patterns, self-mutilation, weight loss or gain or changes in behavior are all signs of possession! ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-characteristics-of-a-possessed-person ]
More Answers to “What are the characteristics of a possessed person
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You definitely must have people skills, and an outgoing personality comes in handy.
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I have a questions about personality of a person can anybody give me some reasons.?
Q: they said that a personality of a person develops because based of their genes and the factors in the environment. Do you think if a parent who are both psychologist who is financially stable, can send their child to good school and has a good environment and has a good family background can have a child that is stubborn, rebel, and other negative characteristics that sometimes a person possess like commiting to drugs or other addictions.Im just curious since the parent who are psychologist study different behavior, maybe they apply what they have learn from schools and experience in their work on how they should care the child. then why sometimes there still exist that a child grow up with bad behavior.
A: Two important influences on personality and character ARE environment and heredity. However, Dr. Alfred Adler also spoke of a third influence: personal choice. He called this “soft determinism.”It sounds to me like the person you are describing has made certain choices about how to live his/her life, what to be like as a person inside (personality), and how to display that to others (character) in social settings. Unfortunately, parents and society, and genes and DNA, aren’t the whole story when it comes to how people turn out.Bummer. — Dr. Bob
If you could pick the next President, who would you pick and why?
Q: Please try not to suggest politicians or religious leaders… I’d like to know if there is anyone that you know personally that you feel would be a good President. Basically if you were able to put one of your friends or relatives in office, do you honestly feel that one of them would do well in that capacity? And if so, what characteristics does that person possess that makes you believe that? Feel free to include teachers or co-workers or basically anyone else that you know directly…Seriously… is it really that difficult to answer this question?? If it’s too difficult to think of anyone that you know personally that you would make President, then just list the qualities and beliefs you feel the President should have and explain WHY you feel those beliefs are necessary…I wish I could take 2 points away from everyone that responds without actually answering the question.
A: Captain Kangaroo. Because nobody could do worse than George W.
There is this person I know that possesses the characteristics of the Anti-Christ and even Hitler.?
Q: He tells me that power is more important than love and that love was invented by the priests to control the weak minded. Is this kid mentally ill or something? He even says things word for word that Hitler said during his candidacy but he wouldn’t know because it was by accident. He isn’t racist though. He even wishes he was a Jew. He thinks they are cool. He just knew it for some odd reason. He is really scary. What should I do? He hates Christianity and says it was invented by greedy priests to contol the weak. Is this kid misunderstood or just evil? Says the world will end somewhere aurond WWIV or WWV and that the armies of the superpowers will collide and thus kill each other. He hates love. I mean he really hates the emotion. He doesn’t get turned on by beautiful women and even has said that “we are equal hence if I don’t get turned on by a man neither shall I be turned on by a woman.”
A: Without knowing this person myself, all I can say is pray hard for him. God can change anyone’s heart. I firmly believe even Hitler could have been saved if he had faith. Be wise around him. Seek counsel from trusted and mature Christian friends. If he is hostile toward Christianity, I’d just live the Christian life for him and see if he notices the difference in you. Maybe he is really badly hurt deep inside and so he hates love.
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