What are some natural laxatives

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Psylium Husks and Prune Juice, both are natural and work well. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-natural-laxatives ]
More Answers to “What are some natural laxatives
What are some natural laxatives?
prunes are the way to go Prune juice and its health benefits Prune juice is made by softening prunes through steaming and then putting them through a pulper to create a watery puree. Prunes and their “juice” contain the natural …
How to Use Natural Laxatives
・ 1 Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of Brewers Yeast on each meal of the day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). This is… ・ 2 Wash down each meal with 1 cup of prune juice. Natural laxatives don’t always have to consist of drugs… ・ 3 Swallow 1 tablespo…
How to Use Natural Laxatives for Children
・ 1 Give your child some prune juice. As a child, I didn’t like prune juice at all–not because of the… ・ 2 Dried fruit is also good, especially prunes and figs. Both are natural laxatives. Kids also respond… ・ 3 Make your own herbal bl…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some natural laxatives?
Q: I just got over a stomach flu, and for some reason now it’s kind of difficult to…..drop some timber, lol. I haven’t been able to go in a couple days =/Is there any natural laxatives I can find around the house that would help?
A: prunes are the way to goPrune juice and its health benefitsPrune juice is made by softening prunes through steaming and then putting them through a pulper to create a watery puree. Prunes and their “juice” contain the natural laxative dihydrophenylisatin (related to isatin).Faster results are obtained by heating the prune juice. Prunes also contain dietary fiber (about 6%, or 0.06 g per gram of prune). Prunes and prune juice are thus common home remedies for constipation. Prunes also have a high antioxidant content. In China, the popular summer drink suanmeitang, made with sour prunes, is sometimes thought to have positive effects on acidity in the body. It is also known to taste like BBQ sauce
What are some good and safe natural laxatives apart from eating healthy, lots of water etc etc?
Q: Any kind of tea, seeds, tricks, whatever. I sometimes suffer from constipation and don’t want to use chemical pills.
A: Oranges, bran, prunes(thats a good one). Weetabix can get you going too.
What are some good natural laxatives?
Q: Since I’ve gotten sick, the last few days I’ve been very constipated. I’ve popped a couple pills to help with that, but I really don’t wanna have to keep putting that into my system. Aside from the all famous prunes, what other foods are really good to help with constipation and get my bowels back on track? The bloating and weight has added 2 pounds, which isn’t accurrate, and I have a weigh-in day on Monday so I’d like it to be as accurate as possible.
A: Add some fiber to your diet. Fiber is a natural laxative b/c your body can’t break it down completely thus flushing it through your system. Brown rice is healthy and always seems to do the trick. But if your looking for some type of flush, you might consider taking a quart of spring water and 2 tsp. of sea salt. Use room temperture water and mix well. What you have in front of you would be a concoction similar to your blood in terms of density and specific gravity, thus downing this mixture as quick as possible it will enter your system and your body will not absorbe any of it. And stay near a bathroom for the next 30 min after you do drink it, b/c its on its way out and you wil not be able to hold it back. Its a great flush to cleanse your colon and digestive tract, do it in the morning on an empty stomach.
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