What are some good foods to eat to get energy

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Foods high in proteins, carbs, and sugars would be the best thing for energy. For example food like pasta and chicken are good. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-good-foods-to-eat-to-get-energy ]
More Answers to “What are some good foods to eat to get energy
What are the best foods to eat to get energy or to eat before a f…?
Eat as much as you need to fill you up, do not over eat. Eat about 20-30 minutes before excercise. As far as what to eat, carbs are instant energy. Eating something like pasta (a big one among pro athletes), rice, or potatoes is ideal for a…
How do you get energy from the food you eat?
Basically, your body turns food into energy, CO2 and small amount of water. A fire does the same thing. In fact, they determine how many calories are in food by burning the food to see how much heat it produces. Your body uses the same ener…
What is a living thing that must eat food to get energy?
Any animal (Including human beings). Plants live and need a source of energy but they dont “eat.” They use photosynthesis.

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What are some good foods to eat for energy?
Q: I want to be able to boost up my energy when I work out. Some people say peanutbutter jelly and oranges. I need to know something else other than protein bars, protein shakes or other stuff like that.I am not into losing weight. I just want to stay fit. I just need opinions on what types of food work that boosts your energy.
A: I love to start my day with 1/2 cup of FF vanila yogurt and mix in walnuts, granola(Kashi summer berry is good) green grapes, raspberries,blueberries,any high protein cereal or granola. I just add a little of every thing , stir it up and it’s GREAT!
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Q: lately my legs have been feeling really heavy, i just cant skate fast enough.i had 2 games yesterday, and my legs never got heavy during the second game. all i ate was pizza and lots of water between games.
A: Oranges, bananas, granola bars , fig newtons , water or mineral water to drink. Had all of the above between games playing in iron woman tourneys
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A: no sugar ! like energy drinks and sodas.the best is lots of bananas and potassium, a vitamin that gives you energy.also other examples of sources of potassium: potatoes, avocados, orange juice, whole grain like whole grain cereal and whole grain pasta. also dairy products such as milk. so if you eat a bowl of cereal in the morning, you’re starting on the right foot!
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