Is it okay to eat scabs

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Some people who eat scabs have been linked to have depression or eating disorders. Thank you for using ChaCha today! ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it okay to eat scabs
Is it okay to eat crab apples from a tree that is infected with a…?
It won’t hurt humans. From our human point of view the disease is a cosmetic one, causing apples to be virtually unsellable in a grocery store, but not affecting their “eatability”. Most crabapples are not very tasty, however.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it okay to eat my scabs?
A: It’s only congealed blood so …. whatever floats your boat. I can’t see that it would do you any harms. People eat bits of themselves (nails, skin etc) or things the bodies produces (the main culprit being nostril deposits …) all the time so …. munch away but maybe consider considering alternatives …. like nachos ….
Is it okay to eat crab apples from a tree that is infected with apple scab?
Q: We have a crab apple tree that produces lots and lots of fruit every year. Today we discovered that most of them have what looks like scabs on them. We looked it up and found that our tree is infected with “apple scabs.” Some of them look good though, so are these okay to eat, or would the best thing be to throw them all away and cut the tree down?
A: It won’t hurt humans. From our human point of view the disease is a cosmetic one, causing apples to be virtually unsellable in a grocery store, but not affecting their “eatability”. Most crabapples are not very tasty, however.
If you were to have a scab… And you want to eat it.. How do you stop eating them?
Q: Okay now if yoyu were to have a scab… And you like to eat it what would you do? F.Y.I. I am a scab eater and I just eat little tiny pieces. I dont have a scab now… But I need help the next time I have one… Like a gross fact about em!
A: I do the same thing…i eat my scabs too. I think is addictive and you cant really stop like you want….There”s nothin wrong with eatin your scabs because they help your body…you know how plants feeds off of other dead plants, that is what your body does your body feeds off the the skin to make new cells..All cells are made from pre exsiting cells..but there is no gross fact about it but that its gross to other ppl that dont do it.
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