Is it healthy to eat about 1000 calories a day

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it healthy to eat about 1000 calories a day”,you can compare them.

Cutting back to 1000 calories a day is pretty drastic, and should only be used if you just want to lose a few pounds quickly. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it healthy to eat about 1000 calories a day
Is it healthy for me to eat 1000 calories each day??
OK this is NOT good at your weight, or anyone’s for that matter, and i will tell you why. Your body has to have nutrients and calories to function, calories are energy. When your car doesn’t have energy (gas) it wont run. Same with your bod…
Can a 5’4” 14 year old eat only 1000 calories a day and still be…?
No. Teenagers need more calories than adults, so the lowest amount of calories that a teen should eat is higher. If you are completely sedentary, you shouldn’t be eating fewer than 1,800 calories daily. Trust me, you will still lose weight …
Can it be healthy to diet and Eat Less Than 1000 Calories In A Da…?
“It depends on your physical size, of course, but 1000 Calories a day is a very small amount” I used to worry about the old starvation mode problem. But…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Iis it healthy if I eat 1000 calories a day and burn off about 350 in the gym daily?
Q: Is that an ok amount of calories to eat considering the exercise? Im looking to lose weight, but in a healthy way so it wont come back easily.
A: Eating 1000 cals a day is the least effective way to lose your weight. women need to consume around :1800 cals daily :: 50% carbs 30% protien 20% fats (good fats)If you find it difficult to curb your hunger, i suggest eating more frequently throughout the day, say 4-5 meals a day every 2-3 hours. This along with slow eating causes your body to increase your METABOLISM and its this which burns your fat. If you continue to eat such little a day, at first you may have a quick spike of weight loss, but in the long run, your matabolism will slow right down due the the fact that the body thinks its starving and that food is limited, therefore slowing down body efficientcy to keep the fat longer to keep you alive longer.Last tip i can suggest is decrease the carbs and increase the protien, this will cause you to feel less hungry.Few examples of good carbs are : rice (brown is best), pasta (brown is best which is wholegrain) wheat and oats, jacket potatoes. try to keep sugar low however do consume sugars from fruits and pure fruit juices.As for Fats, try to consume a couple of handful of nuts a day, these kinds of nuts may include, brazil nuts, almonds and pine nuts. As well as this, the best fats to consume come from oily fish. This can be tinned fish with oils in like sunflower oil, olive oil. All other fishes contain the best fats in too. mackeral, tuna and salmon are best advised.Hope this helps, and i hope your weight goal is acheived healthely.
Is it healthy or ‘normal’ to eat 1000 calories a day?
Q: – is it healthy to eat 1000 calories a day or just below 1000 cals?
A: You need more than 1000 calories per day. The average person burns at least 1000 calories a day doing their normal day to day routine….EAT SOMETHING!!
if you eat healthy and eat 1000 calories a day, can u lose weight?
Q: would i be able to lose 10-15 pounds within 2-3 weeks?
A: You need 1000-1500 a day to live off. Remember that’s just to eat, breathe and sleep. It doesn’t count daily acitives, exercising etc. By lowering it to a 1000 and nothing below, you’ll lose weight pretty fast. Anything below can be dangerous to you health. It also depends on how much he weighs, if he cuts out too much he can cause more harm than good.For females 1500-non active2000-activeFor males-2000 normal2500-active males
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