Is it good to eat spinach everyday

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All things, even good things, should be in moderation. Spinach can bind to calcium and prevent absorption, but if you are eating in modest amounts, there shouldn’t be a problem. Eating healthy is the way to go! ChaCha again soon. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it good to eat spinach everyday
Is it good for you to eat spinach everyday?
Yes, if you don’t get bored of it. Its better to eat different kind of Veggies so that you don’t get sick of something that good and that tasty. If you each spinach or anything every single day you will develop and exceeding dislike for tha…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it good for you to eat spinach everyday?
Q: I have ate spinach everyday for the last few weeks and just curious if it is safe, healthy, or good for you?? I have ate it for my lunch Monday thru Friday. I drown it with apple cider vinegar. What do you think?It canned by the way.You can’t beat the good ol fashion taste of “popeye spinach”! I don’t know if I would even like actual spinach..
A: Yes, if you don’t get bored of it. Its better to eat different kind of Veggies so that you don’t get sick of something that good and that tasty. If you each spinach or anything every single day you will develop and exceeding dislike for that produce. Please usual eat it raw where its taste ok. But I like to put it on top of the dish and let it steam for 30 seconds and then it tastes super.
I eat spinach everyday, why is my Hematocrit level at 36?
Q: I tried to give blood today and they said my Iron level was too low. They said 36 is normal, but not high enough to give blood. On the paper I was given, Spinach was one of the main veggies that it recommended to increase Iron. I love spinach and eat it almost every day, as well as other fruits and vegetables, so why am I low? I’m not anemic either.
A: Although spinach contains a lot of iron, it also contains oxalic acid, which blocks the absorption of iron (and calcium). Combining spinach with foods that contain vitamin C (such as bell peppers or even a squeeze of fresh lemon juice) will enhance absorption of both minerals.
is eating spinach everyday healthy or dangerous?
Q: the article that i read said that you should aim to eat 18 oz. of spinach/leafy vegetables a week…….does that sound ok or do you think it’s overdoing it a bit?
A: Green leafy veggies are some of the most healthy things you can eat. Spinach is not the only one. Other great ones include kale, chard, dandelion greens, beet tops, and collard greens. I suggest mixing these up to get a variety of nutrients because each has its own strengths. You would really have to eat a lot more of these than you are to over do it. Most health experts agree that the more of these nutrient-rich veggies you eat the better!Spinach is great for protein and minerals, but it also has oxalic acid, which can block the absorption of calcium in your body. However, you’d have to eat a lot of spinach to cause any damage from this — much more than one helping per day. If you’re worried about it, then just eat some extra sesame seeds, which are very high in calcium and better than milk calcium. You can get spinach and other good greens in easy, concentrated form by taking a green superfood drink mixed with juice. Most of these drinks have spinach powder or other great green veggies, and you can get all the nutrition quickly and easily. I’ve added a couple of sources in my resource list, along with my own article from my blog and some other good articles.
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