Is a sweet tooth real

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Is a sweet tooth real”,you can compare them.

There is no such thing as a real sweet tooth in your mouth. Its definition is: A fondness or craving for sweets. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is a sweet tooth real
Is The Sweet Tooth a real company?
No. The Sweet Tooth is a fictional company that was created for a project at Kennesaw State University for the IT 3300 class taught by professor Sherri Shade

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i have a real sweet tooth, how can i lose weight?
Q: im 160 pounds and im trying to lose 50 pounds in 7 months. i have a real sweet tooth, and i run about 8 miles a day. i know i should be eating around 1200-1500 calories a day,but i sometimes struggles on some days with staying in that calorie there anything i can do or take that will help me lose weight or take my cravings for “bad foods” away?
A: eat strawberries blackberry, watermelon (if your black) and oranges fruit is sweet and also se equal instead of regular sugar.
I had a real sweet tooth this evening and had 2 toffee yum yums….how fattening are they??
Q: I now feel really bad with myself………..
A: Who cares? They taste yummy!!
I have a sweet tooth that I just cannot control! Somebody please help me!?
Q: Since halloween came up, I got a lot of candy. A few days after my candy collectinng, I learned how bad sugar is for your body and brain, and that 1 giant snickers bar has enough sugar to last you 1 and a half weeks!So i decided to cut back. For a few days, it worked. I felt urges to eat them, but I didn’t eat sweets. I gave my sister the candy. Sadly, my mother bought the delicious russian candy with sweet real jam inside. I couldn’t resist. I ate a few, but I didn’t gorge myself.How can I stop myself?? I am not heavy, in fact, I am slender, tall, and I do ballroom dance. I do not drink sugary sodas, I don’t like soda in general. Instead, I drink orange juice, which I am trying to replace with water.Someone please help me!! I have tried eating fruits instead (like pomigranite) but after a while, it all comes back!HELP!
A: I wouldn’t worry about it too much if I were you; the real problem rolls around when people eat too much fat and don’t excersize or do anything to stay fit. But good for you for worrying. First, you should eliminate ALL CANDY from your household. Just throw it away. If your mom really has a hard time getting rid of her good stuff, just tell her (and the other family members) to keep their candy where you can’t see it and won’t “run into it” (basically, hide it). When you think about the candy you’re missing, pull out your faithful pomegranite and think about how good and sweet it is- tell yourself it’s BETTER than candy! Something that may be of interest to you that I heard on the radio is that it takes 30 straight days to kick a habit. (No cheating, or else it won’t work). If you stop something for 30 days, your ability to “quit” it dramatically increases, (and as long as it’s not something literally addictive like drugs), almost everyone doesn’t feel the need to return to the nasty habit afterwards. Good LUck!
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