If you loose weight do you also loose muscle mass

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While fat is lost through losing weight, some muscle mass can also be lost, especially with significant weight loss. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-loose-weight-do-you-also-loose-muscle-mass ]
More Answers to “If you loose weight do you also loose muscle mass
How can i loose weight fast and maintain muscle mass??
Losing weight could be very simple if you know what you are doing and if you have the right mental attitude and motivation right from the word go. Below are some weight loss tips that will help you. 1) before you start at all you have got…
What the best diet to gain lean muscle mass and loose weight??
Try low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein, and exercise. The foods are low caloried, and yet filling and healthy. Brisk walking is great for burning body fats. To gain muscle mass, you have to do weights. It is my lifestyle now. I am …
Is this a good diet to gain muscle mass/ loose some weight??
If you want to gain lean mass and cut down on fat you need to figure out what your resting caloric needs are. Probably around 3,000 calories for most men trying to gain muscle unless you have an extremely high metabolism. If you are genetic…

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how to gain muscle mass (the abs too) and weight?
Q: I’m standing 5’9 ft. and weighs 143 lbs or 65kg; going to the gym about 5 to 6 times a week. I do about 20 mins cardio before and after weight training (day 1, chest and triceps; day 2, back and biceps; day 3, legs and shoulders).I’m slim as you would know now but I still have some loose fat on my belly. I want to get rid of this (to have abs) but in the process still gain weight (about 20lbs more)PS. I also do about 20-30 mins cardio 4 hours after lunch and before sleepingAlso, I want to know if my cardio is counterproductive. tnx
A: The only way to gain muscle mass is work heavier weights and less reps8,6,4 adding weight each set. proper form is very important when lifting heavy weights. If you are sacrificing form for heavy weight back off the weight till you can do it with good form. One good way to determine if you have good form is to pay attention to the muscle you are trying to work. for example if working your bicep make sure you are only using the bicep and not using your shoulder to help get the weight up Also do different exercises for each muscle group for example on chest days switch between incline one workout and flat next time you work it. Also dumbbell presses and flys this makes sure you are developing the entire muscle for a more complete development. Spend time working smaller muscle groups also this will aid you when doing the major muscle groups Stretch before and after every work out to maintain flexibility and prevent muscle tears.A whey protien drink after you workout also benifits by feeding the muscles that you tear down during a workout for faster recoveryproper sleep is also important, make sure you are getting good sleepTo get rid of belly fat a healthy diet is important add crunches to beginning or end of each workout and keep up the cardio the cardio makes the heart stronger and your body uses its oxygen much more effectively which is important when lifting heavy weight
Weight loss advice…?
Q: Welll I’m 15 years old am 5 foot 5 and weigh around 119 pounds and yes Its healthy but I feel its too much and want to get down to 111 pounds. So I am eating 1000 calories and doing 30 minutes on the exercise trampoline ad doing 30 situps. Also I’m drinking that cider and honey thing (don’t no if its true or not but thought id give it a go!) and drinking lots of water. I’m eating chicken, veg and drinking smooties, wraps (low calorie foods) and having something little of a treat like half a chocolate bar. I was wondering how much I should expect to loose a week and whether or not I will be putting my body at stress. Also I have heard that eating few calories makes you loose muscle mass instead of fat, is that true?Any advice would be great =)
A: body needs 50cal/hour just for basic functioning (like when you are in coma) and thats 1200cal/day.when you deprive/starve your body all you lose is water weight and muscle which means you slow down metabolism, you cant lose fat this way – you will gain fat because your body starts storing all you eat in fat reserves and using muscle for energy.if you lose more than 1-2lbs a week its not fat you are losing and you need to up your intake.find daily calorie intake calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours – it optimizes your metabolism)5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day8 glasses of waterhave complex carbs for breakfast – they give you energyhave protein (lean meat, legumes etc) for dinner – repairs musclecardio is the only fat burning exercise and burns fat all over your body (running, jogging, swimming, spinning, elliptical etc) 4-6 times a week for 30-50min (ideally 45min because the first 20-30min body burns carbs and only then starts burning fat), light weight training (more muscle=faster metabolism)sit ups do not burn fat – all they do is build muscle and make your belly look biggerdont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, pasta etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
15yr old 5ft 7 diabetic 163lbs impossible to loose weight! ): need help, anyone in the same situation?
Q: hello everyone, i know im overweight so please don’t start commenting me telling me about my bmi and stuff because its just depressing hahaive been diabetic for almost 5 years now but ive also grown alot in height as i got it when i was 11, my problem is i have gained soooooo much weight! up until last year i was happy eating carb filled, sugar filled, calorie filled, fat filled meals, etc(you get the idea) and because i started off underweight i didnt realise that i was steadily stacking on the pounds and now iv ended up overweight! i decided on new year 2009 that i was going to start fresh, i began cutting my carbs, exercising more, and genereally watching what i ate, and after 5 months i only managed to loose a stone. the fact that i hadnt lost as much weight as i wound have liked to upset me and i decided i couldnt be bothered being as strict with myself anymore. although i was eating low carb meals, occasional sugary cereals and still avoiding sweets and chocolate i managed to put all of my weight back on. i have found many diabetics struggle to loose weight and i ould wish to be an ideal weight for my height before i become severely overweight and feel i am beyond help!soover the past 2 weeks i have started a new lifestylei am walking to school everydayeating a cereal bar, an apple and a pack of raisins for lunchwalking to the gym after schoolhaving a glucotab if needed before an hour cardio workout(including- 20mins running, 10 minutes cycling, 20 minutes cross training, 5 minutes rowing and 50 turns on the abs machine)my mum picks me up from the gym and i go home and have a low calorie and low carb meal for tea.some examples of my evening meal would be;tuna saladsoup and chickenroasted peppers stuffed and quorn mincesalmon and vegetables with low fat cottage cheeseetci sometimes follow this by a peice of fruit or a yoghurtif i go low i try to avoid lots of carbs and i usually manage to maintain my sugars quite wellbut i still find loosing weight as a struggle, i have even gained weight many times when trying to loose it and this not being muscle mass and fat burned as my clothing sizes have gone upim currently a size 14 :/i would wish to be a 10 for my leavers do in junedoes anyone know how much weight i may need to loose to acheive this?is there anything im doing wrong or any medication that could be prescribed or bought to support me in loosing weighti really appreaciate you taking the time to read this and im open to hear all suggestive answers that will benefit my health and weight loss.be nice please, but dont be afraid to tell me the harsh truths (: thanks xxx
A: Perhaps a web search for diabetic + “can’t lose weight” might be useful.
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